Need a lift?

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Done. You had finished your suit. It was perfect, built to protect and harm. It fit your style and had touched to fit your name. You slid your hand across the material, grinning. 

"How am I going to do this?" You thought. How were you going to do this? You had no idea where to start. So, you started doing research.

3 hours of research later, you had a plan. You had to buy an old Police walkie-talkie that was still working. Then, you had to fight some crime.

You looked everywhere for a walkie-talkie. You found one at an old pawn shop down the road from your apartment. You searched it on google maps and started walking.

Once you got there, you went up to the seller.

"Hello, what would you like." He said groggily.

"Do you have a working police walkie-talkie? Ya know, one that connects to their channel so you can hear everything?" You asked. He gave you a concerned look and walked to the wall next to you, grabbing the walkie-talkie.

"That will be $1,000." Your eyes went wide. $1,000?! How are you going to be able to afford that? You swore you were gonna go broke. You handed him the money and grabbed the walkie-talkie, walking out of the pawnshop, you started walking back home.

You opened the front door and put everything on the counter.

You turned on the walkie-talkie and started listening while you put on your suit, starting with the main outfit, then the shoulder, arms, and leg pads. Then you attached the hood to the body part. And ended with the mask.

"We have a robbery on 10th and 6th! I repeat-" you immediately ran outside and got up on top of the rooftops with your webs, flying to the right street.

When you got there, there were 6 police cars and people on the roof waiting. You turned on your X-ray vision with your mask and tried to see where the robber was. Once you found him, you swung to the ground and the back door of the bank. You kicked the door, hard and it swung open. You went down one flight of stairs before you realized you could swing down. So, you attached your web to the roof and floated down to the floor where to robber was at. You got back onto the stairs and tried to open the door, it was locked. You put your hand out to shoot webs at it but, you stopped; you had a weird feeling. Suddenly, your head whipped around and something- no, someone knocked you into the wall hard. You winced from the pain. Opening your eyes you see the robber on the ground and the devil of Hell's Kitchen standing in the doorway.

"What the hell?" Daredevil said. You groaned.

"Oh great.." you muttered.

"Who are you?!" He yelled.

"I'm..Arachnid." It made you smile to use the name.

"And what are you, a cheap knock off of me?" You rolled your eyes.

"No. Look." You shot a web at him and he dodged it.

"What was that?" He asked.

"That, was a web. Are you putting two and two together yet?" You said sarcastically.

"How..what are you?" he said.

"I have no idea." You replied. It was the truth, you hadn't even figured out how you got these powers, or if they would affect you.

"Can you remember this address? ***** ne 8th st?" You were a bit confused, but you nodded in response. "Okay. Okay, go there ASAP." He said.

"Okay, I can do that. But, what about..this?" You said, looking around you.

"The police can handle the rest. We better get out of here before they start handling it though." You agreed and webbed up the roof of the stairs, then grabbed onto the web itself. You turned.

"Need a lift?" You offered. He walked over and you grabbed onto him as he grabbed onto your waist. You flung yourself upwards until you reached the top. He let go and so did you. "I do have something I need to do, so I will meet you at the address after okay?" He nodded and you swung away. 

Okay, you met. Happy?

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