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The next day, you awoke in your bed. You sat up, got a good look at your surroundings, and started getting ready for work. You got dressed, brushed your teeth, wash your face, put on light makeup, brush and style your hair, and go into your kitchen. But on the way there, you caught a glimpse of your empty couch. It saddened you a bit, but you refocused yourself. Then you had a thought, what if you told Karen who you were? How would she react? Would she tell foggy and Matt? Could you trust her?

You decided to give her a chance and packed your mask in a paper bag in disguise of your lunch, and threw it in your purse. You didn't feel like walking and took your car instead. You got in your black convertible and drove off.

You drove for about 10 minutes until you heard a loud siren. Shit, you were getting pulled over. You quickly pulled your car to the side of the road and stopped. After 13 seconds, you heard two knocks on your window. You rolled it down.

"Hello ma'am, how are you today? Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"Oh uhm, im good, and..no." You said nervously.

"You were going over the speed limit. Im going to have to give you a ticket. License and registration please?" He said. You cursed to yourself and opened your glove box. You glanced at the time, '11:49'. You searched your compartment for your paper and soon found them, then, you grabbed your wallet out of your purse and took out your license. You handed the things to the police officer and he took a quick look at your license plate number, then, he walked back to his car. You were left by yourself. Soon, he walked over and handed you your papers back. He stopped for a moment.

"What's in the bag?" He did a hand motion to the bag. The bag with your mask in it.

"Oh! Uhm, just my lunch is all."

He was silent, "may I see it?" Your eyes involuntary went wide.

"Sure!" You grabbed the bag and handed it to him hesitantly. He opened it and pulled out your mask.

"Ma'am, what is this?"

"It's a replica of Arachnids mask, uh, me and my friends are doing a project..?" You said.

"Who?" You were slightly offended, and then realized you haven't told anyone other than Daredevil your super name. He put the mask back into the bag and handed you it, you shoved it into your purse.

"Oh that's just what me and my friends are calling them, you know, Daredevils partner?" The cop shrugged.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you lie?"

"It's a little embarrassing for a twenty two year old to be carrying around a super hero's mask." You laughed nervously.

"Alright, well have a good day ma'am." The cop said as he walked away. Once you were out of his view, you rested your head on your steering wheel and sighed. You then raced to your work.

Once you arrived, you were immediately greeted by Karen. Which reminded you of your plan. Usually Karen stayed around after her shift was over to do extra work, and when everyone else left, that's when you were going to tell her.

"Hi Karen," you smiled, "would you like some coffee or anything to eat?" You offered.

"Y/n, don't be so professional, you know I don't like it." You didn't know actually. You cleared your throat.

"Just doing my job Karen, you know that." You said smirking at her. "So, would you like anything?"

"Actually, could you help me with this?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well you know Daredevil, right? Apparently he has a new partner. But no one knows their name, do you have any ideas for a name? They seem to have powers like a spider." You pretended to think for a second.

"How about, Arachnid?" You said. Karen grinned.

"That's..perfect!- oh! Do you want to see the picture of them?" She offered. You nodded.  The pictures were amazing, it was of you and daredevil on the rooftop, the second time you had ever trained with him. It made you smile. You guess someone saw you and immediately took a photo.

"Could..I have this? Or at least a copy?" You asked.

"Sure! Thanks for the name idea."

"Of course." You said. You walked over to Foggy's office, and opened the door. "Hello Foggy."

"Hi Y/n- could you help me with some filing?" He asked.

"Of course, just give me a couple minutes I'm going to go ask Matt if he needs anything." You told him. He nodded and went back to his work. You left his room and quickly went to Matt's office.

"Hi Y/n." He said. You didn't know why, but it was awkward.

"Hi Matt, do you..need anything?" You stood there, waiting for a response.

"Could you get me a coffee?" He requested. You said yes and immediately went to get him a coffee. After it had finished brewing, you walked back into his office and handed it to him. "Thank you, sweetheart." You heart skipped, "just how I like it."

"You're welcome. Matt." You were about to leave his office but he interrupted your steps.

"If I may ask, why were you late to work? You're always a little early." He questioned. You frowned, you broke the law.

"I was just a little late with my routine." You lied through your smile and left the room. Then, you went to help foggy for the rest of your shift. Filing always took a while at the law firm. After your shift was done, so was everyone else's. But Karen didn't leave, and now was your chance.

You walked into her office with your purse on your shoulder. "Hey..Karen?" You stopped in front of her desk, "could I talk to you?" You asked anxiously. She looked at you with worried eyes.

"Of course Y/n...what's up?" She asked.

"Okay..Uhm," you pulled the paper bag out of your purse, "I'm not sure how to tell you this," you shoved your hand inside the bag, "so I guess I'll just show you instead." And you pulled out your mask. Your eyes flashed from her face to your mask and back up to her face again. You studied her facial expressions carefully. You saw her eyes go wide with..what?

This actually didn't take me that long but it glitched so I had to rewrite the end. 👎.

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