South Africa

152 9 3

Author's note at the end of the chapter.


(Other's POV)

Surprisingly, it did not take too long to get a location where Ulysses Klaue had set up shop. They managed to track him down through an illegal sale of weaponry that was poorly covered up, directing them to South Africa. Apparently, Klaue had not changed where he set up shop and was still working out of an abandoned ship in a salvage yard on the African coastline. With that piece of information, the Avengers moved quickly.

The plan was fairly simple and followed their previous methods as of late. Bruce would stay in the Quinjet and wait until someone called out 'Code green' while the rest of them would infiltrate the ship from different points of entrance. In hopes to keep everyone who was there, onboard which includes Klaue, Ultron as well as the twins.

Soleil crept quietly along the walls of the corridor she was in, taking the lower ground as Natasha took the middle and Clint was up high. Tony, Steve, and Thor were on the middle ground, with Tony coming to land on the platform that Ultron and the twins were on.

Ultron seemed to be having some sort of meltdown as they were closing in. "It's a thing with me. Stark is, he's a sickness!"

"Ahh, Junior." Tony called out as he killed his thrusters and landed on the metal platform, looking to Ultron. "You're gonna break your old man's heart."

The Maximoffs glared at Tony, Pietro throwing the Vibranium container he was holding aside as they both stepped forward in a menacing manner.

Ultron just turned around to look at Tony before admitting that he would if given the chance. "If I have to."

Natasha, Clint and Soleil approached closer but still stayed hidden, waiting for the right moment to join in if needed.

"We don't have to break anything." Thor stated.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron pointed out.

"He beat me by one second." Tony commented and Thor furrowed his brows for a moment before letting it go.

"Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark." Pietro stepped out from Ultron's side, glancing around at all the illegal weapons being stored here. "It's what, comfortable? Like old times?"

Tony looked down at some of the missiles before looking back up. "This was never my life."

Steve took a step forward as well, looking to the twins. "You two can still walk away from this."

"Oh, we will

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"Oh, we will." Wanda said mockingly.

"I know you've suffered." Steve said as he took another step forward but stopped when Ultron gagged.

"Uuughh! Captain America." Ultron chuckled dryly while shaking his head and looking at Steve. "God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..."

Soleil ~ Tony Stark(BWWM)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu