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(Soleil's POV)

Unfortunately, trouble seemed to find them even in the holidays. After Tony had manage to catch Soleil and get her on the couch, they ended up catching up on some much needed cuddle time and making out for longer than they could recall.

But as soon as they turned on the TV, the first thing that popped up is a terrorist called Mandarin who is supposedly apart of the Ten Rings. He spoke about giving America a lesson, how they slaughtered the wife and children of the Cheyenne's Braves in 1864. Before he went on to admit that they had bombed a church full of wife and children of the military's Braves, just 39 hours ago.

Mandarin was calling out President Ellis by the end of it, leaving Soleil and Tony both frowning. They were back on the clock with their wounds only haphazardly stitched back together, and the first course of action; was to meet up with Rhodey.


"And now that we seem to be back, let's recap some of the frightening..." Pat Kiernan of NY 1 HD spoke before the TV switched to another news channel.

"American Airwaves were highjacked..." Good Morning America.

Megan Henderson from KTLA 5 News spoke. "The nation remains on high alert..."

"All attempts to find the Mandarin have so far proved unsuccessful..." MSNBC news anchor starting speaking before the camera changed to the view the outside of White house, panning in with a view of the Christmas tree before switching to the press conference.

President Ellis stood on a podium addressing the reporters and cameras in front of him. "Central to my Administration's response to this terrorist event, is a newly minted resource. I know him as Colonel James Rhodes, the American people will soon know him as the Iron Patriot."

The 'Iron Patriot' walked out; Rhodey in the Mark II suit that has gotten revamped once again, this time with red, white, and blue colouration.

The channel changes again to Bill Maher talking about the 'subject' on his show. "And how is President Ellis responding? By taking the guy they call War Machine and giving him a paint job."

Next up was; Joan Rivers on The Fashion Police. "Same suit, but painted red, white, and blue. Look at That. And they also renamed him Iron Patriot. You know, just in case the paint was too subtle."

Rhodey, Tony and her were seated at a table in a sports bar watching the TV. Tony was cringing, Soleil had hid a snort in her hand and Rhodey was unamused.

"It tested well with focus groups, alright?" Rhodey explained.

Tony turns to Rhodey, and with a mocking and gruff voice he spoke. "I am Iron Patriot..."

"Listen-" Rhodey started off.

"It sucks." Tony shrugged and smirked seeing Soleil giggle.

"War Machine was a little too aggressive, alright? This sends a better message." Rhodey further explained.

"Sure, it does~. Personally, I think you're trying to steal Captain America's look." Soleil snickered. "I think there is only room for one America's 'Golden boy'. Then again, you look more like the flag bearer~!"

"Really, Sol." Rhodey groaned while Tony laughed.

Soleil smirked at their reactions before checking the time on her phone. "Okay, I have a meeting to go to later. So, let's get to the point."

Which was true, Pepper had called for her yesterday to come in for a meeting scheduled today. Pepper originally was the one that was supposed to be attending it, but she wanted Soleil to come in but never said why.

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