Pipping Hot Mess

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(Soleil's POV)

Back in Soleil's office, after Aldrich has shown her his new research; he went over a few smaller points that he wanted to get across before coming to the conclusion of his presentation.

"Imagine if you could hack into the hard drive of any living organism and recode its DNA." Aldrich smiled. "Of course. You; yourself; Ms. Marcella have already achieved bonding with DNA from a lion's genetic coding."

That comment left a bad taste in Soleil's mouth, for both business and personal reasons. "It would be incredible. Though, this is not about me."

"Hm." Aldrich hummed still keeping a smile on his face.

"Unfortunately, to my ears it also sounds highly weaponizable." Soleil leaned back as she crossed her arms over her chest and crossed her legs. "As in enhanced soldiers, private armies, and Tony is not..."

"Tony. Tony. You know, I invited Tony to join AIM thirteen years ago, he turned me down." Aldrich cut her off. "I never got the chance to speak to you about it when we danced at the Charity Gala a few years ago."

"Don't remind me." Soleil muttered under her breath.

"But something tells me now there is a new genius on the throne who doesn't have to answer to Tony anymore, and who has slightly less of an ego."

"It's gonna be a no, Mr. Killian." Soleil said as she stood up. "I do believe you have a 'good' starting point to an 'amazing' idea that could help many, but there still are quite a few things you need to work out before you continue to seek out investments from other companies."

Aldrich frowned but he quickly covered it up with a plastered smile as he stood up and shook Soleil's hand. "Thank you for your time, Ms. Marcella."

Though the guy gave her a small eerie feeling, he did not seem that bad after she got to learn about his work a little more. "Please, you can call me Soleil."

"Thank you, Soleil." Aldrich smiled more genuinely.

"Let me walk you out." Soleil said as she began walking towards the door of her office, which Aldrich opened for her and she nodded a 'thank you'.

They made it to the entrance of Stark Industries, once again; Aldrich opens the door for her and Soleil walks out first with him following after he. They stop in front of the door and he turns to her before speaking.

"Well, I can't say that I'm not disappointed. But then as my father used to say, 'Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph'." Aldrich smiled.

"That's very deep." Soleil smiled back. "But I believe its meaning is flying over my head."

"Well, me as well. He was kind of an idiot, my old man." Aldrich smirked a little when he got a giggle out of Soleil; who covered her mouth with her hand. "I'm sure I'll see you again, Soleil."

Just as Soleil realized that Aldrich was going in for a kiss on her cheek, she was never happier for Pepper to exit the building.

"Soleil. There you are, is 'thing' gone-" Pepper immediately halted as she looked between Soleil; who had swiftly taken a step back without either of them noticing, and Aldrich.

"Pepper." Aldrich smiled.

Pepper's eyes widen. "Killian?"

"You look great. You look really great." Aldrich smirked, and Soleil cringed mentally due to hearing the same thing he said to her.

"God, you look...you look great. I... I...I can't... What on earth have you been doing?" Pepper asked.

"Nothing fancy, just five years in the hands of physical therapists. And please, call me Aldrich." Aldrich said before his watched beeped and quickly smiled. "I better be going. It was nice seeing you again, Pepper."

Soleil ~ Tony Stark(BWWM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن