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(Steve's POV)

Steve slows down his jog on the platform that leads to the Charlie carrier's targeting system when he sees the Winter Soldier in front of him. He releases a breath as he comes to a complete stop a few feet away from his friend.

"People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen." Steve stated and Bucky only stares at him coldly without a word in return. Hurt flashes over Steve's face -underneath his helmet- as he shakes his head slightly. "Please, don't make me do this."

A moment passes between the two having a stare-off before Steve realizes that Bucky won't back down. So, Steve grits his teeth before throwing his shield at the Winter Soldier; who throws up his metal arm to deflect it which causes it to bounce off and land back in Captain America's hands.

The Winter Soldier points his semi-automatic pistol and fired two shots, Steve used his shield to block them as he advanced forward. Bucky takes a step back while pulling another firearm out, using the first to hit Steve which only gets blocked by the shield. He continues to move backward as Steve advances, rotating before taking a knee and firing three more shots. One of them happen to graze Captain America's torso from the vantage point that Bucky took by aiming underneath the shield with his second gun.

Steve lets out a grunt but does not pay it much mind as he watched Bucky beginning to charge at him. He brings his shield up and forces his friend back by making a quick rotation of his own to add more force behind his attack as the shield collides with the Winter Soldier's head. Both firearms fall from Bucky's hands as he goes sliding backward.

Steve releases a breath and straightens up as he watches Bucky pull out a combat knife while standing up, not seeming to be fazed one bit after taking that hit to the head. The Winter Soldier approaches first this time and Steve meets him before sending a punch which Bucky blocks and using a reverse grip on the knife, he takes a swipe at Captain America.

Steve uses his shield to redirect the swipe away from him, evading the next attack as Bucky sends a left hook using his metal arm while evading another one of Captain America's punches.

Shifting his weight onto his left leg, the Winter Soldier performs a roundhouse kick, which Captain America ducks underneath before throwing up a kick of his own. But Bucky stops his kick mid-motion by kicking Steve's right leg, before bringing his foot down on Steve's supporting leg.

Steve takes a knee, facing away from Bucky who tries to make another swipe at him but he shifts his shield behind him and the impact throws Bucky off.

He uses this time to his advantage by heading to the targeting system and implementing the code given to him by Maria, causing the machine to bring down the lodging station for the chip. Steve turns back around already suspecting Bucky to be there and redirects Bucky's punch before putting up his shield as his friend draws his metal arm across it causing sparks to fly.

Bucky sends a swipe of his knife at Steve's mid-section; who dodges it by shifting back and sends up a turning kick which gets blocked by the Winter Soldier's metal arm. Bucky thrusts the knife at Steve who catches his forearm and moves to send the edge of the shield down on the limb but Bucky catches it with his left hand.

A battle of strength takes place with both men straining against the other before the Winter Soldier's metal arm reinforces itself. Steve manages to pull the knife from the loose grip of Bucky's right hand and steps back before using a push kick directed at Bucky's chest and sending him stumbling back.

Steve knew he had to make every moment count and went back to the lodging station to remove the Hydra chip before taking out the one he needs to put in but had to turn around when he heard the Winter Soldier charging at him once more.

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