The Chitauri

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(Soleil's POV)

Soleil was flying alongside Tony as they both made their way back towards the Stark Tower after leaving the Helicarrier. Soleil could not help the low hiss that escaped her after hearing Tony's thrusters pop before powering up again due to the damage done to the suit.

"You look like you've been through a shredder." Soleil muttered.

"I practically was." Tony sighed as he corrected himself when his thrusters popped again.

"You can't fight in that suit. Not without getting seriously injured."

"I know. I'm thinking about using the Mark VII."

Soleil's eyes widen. "What?! But it's not-"

"I know." Tony said. "But I don't have much of a choice here."

Soleil held back a growl as they neared New York city and the Stark Tower came into view, along with Dr. Selvig and his device powered by the Tesseract.

"Sir, I turned off the arc reactor. The device is already self-sustained."

Soleil heard Jarvis through Tony's helmet comm before the two of them flew to a stop and hovered above the device and the astrophysicist.

"Shut it down, Dr. Selvig." Tony ordered calmly.

"It's too late!" Dr Selvig smiled, and Soleil growled at the blue hue in the doctor's eyes before he turned to look at his device. "She can't stop now. She wants to show us something! A new universe."

"Okay." Tony lifts his arms up and fires at the device. But the Tesseract puts up a force field around the device.

The barrier absorbs Tony's repulsor beams before sending them right back and sending Iron Man flying, while Soleil and Selvig get thrown in the aftershock. Dr. Selvig crashes against one of the AC systems on the roof and passes out, while Soleil swiftly twist her body to land on her feet.

The sound messes with her ears and at this point, Soleil was wondering if her head was going to ever get a break from all the abuse its gone through in one day. She moved over to check if Selvig was okay and found that he was only unconscious, while Jarvis spoke.

"The barrier is pure energy. It's unbreachable."

"Yeah, I got that." Tony muttered and turned to look down at the balcony of the Tower. Soleil followed his gaze and looked down to see Loki; who had a smug smile on his face as he looked back at them. "Plan B."

Soleil left Selvig and jumped down, meeting up with Tony as he lands on the walkway to dismantle his suit.

"Sir. The Mark VII is not ready to be deployed." Jarvis stated.

"I already told him that, J. His mind is already set." Soleil sighed as she started to walk towards the entrance of the lounge.

"We are gonna have to skip the spinning rims. We're on the clock." Tony ordered as he begins walking and his suit starts getting dismantled. He keeps his eyes trained on Loki as the God does the same while making his way into the lounge area as well.

Soleil shift back to her human form; decked out in her suit and her hair still in a ponytail, as she moved towards the counter where she had left her phone two nights prior.

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