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(Soleil's POV)

It took a while to lose her tail of paparazzi following her from the mansion but once she did; Soleil drove to Tony's garage where he kept a collection of cars that he did not drive often for safe keeping. The guard to the building let her in as soon as she showed her I.D and passed the retinal scan.

Soleil pulled in and parked the BMW I8, getting out with Maya following after her, grabbing a new set of keys from the hanger and making her way towards the Audi S5 Tony also got for her 40th. All because he said 'Audis were better than BMWs', but Soleil paid him no mind as in general; she preferred cars made not in America.

 All because he said 'Audis were better than BMWs', but Soleil paid him no mind as in general; she preferred cars made not in America

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She pulled out of the garage and once she got onto the highway, Maya broke their long silence. "Where are we going?"

"We needed to get away from the paparazzi. They've been on my nerve all..." Soleil looked towards the infotainment screen; seeing the time and sighed. "All of yesterday."

"I get that, but-"

"You wanted to talk somewhere private. The mansion is..was basically never going to be safe enough to talk in. We are better off in this car, until I can think or find a place to stop at. So, let's talk Maya Hansen." Soleil faced the road as she continued to speak. "Why were you at the mansion tonight? What was so important that you had to speak to Tony? And why only him?"

Maya seemed hesitant as she took a breath before exhaling out. "I think my boss is working for the Mandarin. So..if you still want to talk about it. I suggest that we get ourselves someplace safe."

Soleil's ears flattened backwards as she let out a hiss. "Your boss works for the Mandarin, you think? One; how do you even 'think' that? Two; Tony said you were a botanist, so.."

"That figures." Maya cut her off. "What I actually am is a Biological DNA Coder running a team of 40 out of a privately funded think tank."

Soleil gripped the steering wheel tighter, claws threatening to escape and tear into the leather of the wheel.

"But, sure. You can call me a botanist." Maya finished off.

"This boss of your's, does he have a name?" Soleil asked.

"Yeah, Aldrich Killian." Maya answered.

"Son of a fucking bitch!"


(Tony's POV)

Tony and Harley had left the garage and walked into town leaving in hopes to find more information about about the suicide bombing that occurred in Rose Hill. Tony had made some makeshift charging station for his suit, so he hoped Jarvis would be back online as soon as he gets this little investigation over with.

"The sandwich was fair, the spring was a little rusty, the rest of the materials, I'll make do. By the way, when you said your sister had a watch.." Tony started off his as he and Harley turned down an alleyway, while he also pulled up his sleeve; revealing a Dora The Explorer watch on his wrist. "I was kinda hoping for something a little more adult than that."

Soleil ~ Tony Stark(BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora