A plan and A story

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(Soleil's POV)

Soleil really only got a few cat naps in throughout the night. Something about watching -listening- to Tony speak about some of his thoughts aloud near the fire had kept her from sleeping. Also the fact that she found herself in a similar situation that she had already experience twice before in her life.

She lifted her head up from her knees and spotted Tony waving dramatically at a high corner of the room. When she narrowed her gaze in that direction, and saw that there was a security camera set up in that spot. She took a moment to get a better look of her new surroundings, finding a small bench, a couple of tables varying in size, some stools, the fire pit, some mats -which she assumes were for sleeping on- and the 4 security cameras.

There was not much else other than the few security cameras she spotted and the steel door that confined her to this room. Sighing, she looked at the camera's placement one more time and found that there were multiple blind spots that could be of use to her's and her 'friend's' benefit if needed. But for now she let it be, as she heard men approaching the room from the other side of the door.

She was quick to her feet, keeping the blanket wrapped around her and moved to another corner of the room. Her feline abilities making it easy for her to move around silently and not draw any attention from Tony, nor the other man; that was just waking up.

Her spot was in clear view of the door for her comfort and for her captors as well, so at least she could see them coming and they could see that she had not disappeared or anything. She scowled as the door swung open, making a loud sound that had her ears flattening to the side in discomfort.

The men walked inside carrying many different weaponry and machinery that she remembered catching a glimpse of at the exterior of the cave they were in. She turned to Tony who started barking off orders and the other man who was translation said orders in Arabic.

Soleil would have used her telepathic abilities to mentally translate the language for herself, but those abilities are fuelled by sunlight/ vitamin D and when she did not how long she was going to be locked in a cave for without her source of energy. She needed preserve what she had, and at most she could last about a couple months without it before she would be completely drained. But even before being completely drained, without much sunlight; it would leave her very weak and most likely susceptible to getting injured easily in her other form. Taking a deep breath in and exhaling out she focused her attention on Tony's voice alone.

"If this is going to be my work station, I want it well-lit. I want these up. I need welding gear. I don't care if it's acetylene or propane." Tony ordered as the other man translated quickly. The captors moving about the room and placing stuff they brought down, where it was ordered to be placed.

Soleil saw the man that brought her in here and she sneered at him. He only grinned as he dropped a large -non explosive- metal device with a loud 'clang' that made Soleil grimace before growling at his retreating back as he walked away.

"I need a soldering station. I need helmets and goggles. I would like a smelting cup. I need two sets of precision tools." Tony listed off and Soleil groaned as the list did not seem to have an end to it.

She brought her head back down to her knees, keeping her ear alert as she was going to have to listen to the hustle and bustle of men for only god could know how long.


Soleil was back in her original corner near the door after the men had left after 3 hours of labour, at Tony's bidding. Her ears were ringing with the sound of metal being scrapped and dragged across the ground, but was content that it was finally over. Her ears swivelled towards Tony and the other man at a new work table with a missile sitting on top of it. Tony using a small screwdriver, seeming to be taking it apart with the other man hovering near him.

Soleil ~ Tony Stark(BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now