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(Soleil's POV)

Soleil was not sure how much she could take but this..this. THIS was pushing it. Her emotions were shot and she had to walk back into her 'baby'; not a complete wreck but did not come out unscathed either. And what are those? Was she seeing Loki shaped indents in her floor, multiple indents in her floors?!

Soleil grumbled underneath her breath and Tony took a step away slightly feeling the murderous aura radiating off her, but placed a hand on arm to calm her down. Though he was not expecting it, he did accommodate to holding her up as she basically slumped her entire weight on him in that moment as the team stood in front of Loki.

Hulk was growling behind them, Clint was front and centre with an arrow drawn and ready to fire at the God, Natasha held the sceptre, Thor looked extremely angry, upset or both, while her, Tony and Steve looked worse for wear but they'll live. Thanks to whatever god out there that was watching over them.

"If it's all the same to you.." Loki breathed trying not to wince at every movement. "I'll have that drink now."

"Unfortunately, I'm going to need all of them. I need a buzz." Soleil said since everyone else was silent and it was bothering her, the silence of it all only making her headache more prominent. She pushed herself off Tony and gave Loki one last glance before heading off to the bar. "And you need cuffs."

"Alright. Get him on his feet." Tony was second to find his voice. "The rest of us could all stand posing up a storm later. By the way. Feel free to clean up."

When she got to the bar, Soleil was happy to see at least the bar remained unscathed. Perhaps another thing to thank the God(s) for. She could not be bothered at the moment to grab a glass so she just drank from the decanter, Soleil need a buzz and needed it now. Her head was reeling, while the rest of the team got to work getting everything ready.

The Tesseract needed to be placed in a secure case, as did Loki's sceptre. Loki himself needed to be cuffed which Thor gladly handled himself, as they had planned to return to Asgard mostly likely as soon as possible.

Loki's sceptre specifically was going to go back to SHIELD and the team were waiting for the agents to come and picked it up before they left. After getting out of his suit, Tony had decided to take this time to come over to the bar and watched as Soleil leaned over the counter while observing everyone else.

"Did you get that buzz you wanted?" Tony asked as he took the decanter out of her hand already seeing that it was finished.

Soleil turned to him and smirked as she pulled out a glass, grabbing another decanter and pouring some whiskey into the cup before handing it to Tony; who gladly accepted the drink.

"No. Still all here." Soleil answered him as she watched him throw the whole glass back, gone in seconds though she had been similar with decanter in minutes. "Not sure if that's a good thing or not."

"It's not bad thing though, right?" Tony took her hand in his and squeezed.

Soleil moved to bring their hands up and intertwine their fingers. "It's never a bad thing, but I could use some sleep. You could use some sleep. But the day's not over."

"No." Tony sighed agreeing with Soleil, maybe not so much on the sleep but a moment would be nice. But just as he thought that, the elevator door opens and in comes SHIELD's strike team. "No, it is not."

They watched as Agent Jasper Sitwell entered further into the room and went over to Natasha to relieve the sceptre from her. It left a bad taste in Soleil's mouth watching as Sitwell and another agent; she believes his name is Brock Rumlow, pack away the sceptre to take back to whatever SHIELD facility they decided to hold it up in.

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