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(Soleil's POV)

During the morning of their anniversary, Soleil and Tony did not do anything too special. Unless rolling around in their bed could be considered something special but come evening time, is when they actually celebrated.

They had taken a flight from Trondheim to Tromsø, then drove to the Clarion Hotel where they would be leaving the rented car as their transport would be picking them up soon. They waited at the entrance until a van pulled up in front of them and a woman stepped out of the passenger's side with a bright smile.

"Hello. My name is Jana, and I presumed you two to be Mr. Stark and Ms. Marcella. Am I correct?" The woman -Jana- introduced herself.

"That would be us. And Soleil is fine." Soleil smiled as she went up to shake Jana's hand but the woman pulled her into a hug, causing her to still for a moment and then giggled lightly at how comforting Jana seemed to be.

She walked up to Tony and gave him a hug as well and the surprised look that crossed Tony's face made Soleil's giggle turn into laughter. Tony patted her back awkwardly until Jana released him and he had a lopsided smile. "Tony will do."

"Well, it is nice to meet you both." Jana smiled before she looked to the man that came walking around from the driver's side, and introduced him. "This my husband; Michal."

"Nice to meet you both." Michal smiled warmly as he stood beside Jana. "And I apologize for her, she's a hugger. Almost everyone has the same reaction as you two do."

"I can not help it! I'm always excited when we get new visitors!" Jana said happily and Soleil giggled at her enthusiasm.

"I'm really looking forward to our stay at your cabin. It is a shame that we won't be able to see the northern lights but I hear the midnight sun is a beautiful sight as well."

"It is indeed." Michal nodded in agreement. "It may mess with your sleep pattern a bit, but 2 nights of poor sleep won't do you any harm."

"Trust me on this one. We both have been through far more sleepless nights." Tony admitted with a dry chuckle. "Besides, I prefer the daytime. More sunlight would deem it appropriate working hours."

"More like you would actually try working 24/7." Soleil rolled her eyes, exasperated. "Which you have done before and will not be doing again, Anthony! I'm not prying you off the floor of your workshop, for a second time."

"Not my finest moment but I digress." Tony held his hands up in surrender as Soleil narrowed her eyes at him while the other couple just laughed at them.

"You two are certainly a riot!" Michal laughed. "A far contrast to what we see on TV."

"Which is not much but we get the gist of everything going on out there in the world." Jana seemed to notice them both wincing at that before she apologized. "Sorry to bring it up."

"It's alright." Tony sighed, straightening his posture. "In our line of work and times standing in front of a camera, you get used to it. The good, the bad, and the ugly."

"We needed a getaway. For Tony's birthday and our anniversary but also because we needed an escape before we get back to business."

"I couldn't even begin to imagine all the hardships you two must have gone through. You poor souls." Jana looked quite upset which was rare for Soleil and Tony to see since they have not met many people who would offer their sympathies rather than their disdain. "And Happy belated birthday, Tony."

"Thank you, Jana." Tony smiled genuinely. "Only turn 45 once, and I have to say. Norway is a beautiful place to spend my birthday and anniversary with the woman I love."

Soleil ~ Tony Stark(BWWM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora