VIII. There is trouble with Her Highness the Demon King!

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Was this a situation where she was being treated like a primary school student? Not surprised by this situation, Erolu responded politely to the other woman's concern.

"I live not far away, I'm heading home now ...... thanks for your concern."

"That won't do, little girl. It's all so chaotic over here these days and you're so watery looking, it's easy for things to go wrong. Let auntie take you back ......" said the other, and reached out to pinch Elu's cheek.

"Okay ...... thanks aunty." Although the other party's self-conscious hand-movement behaviour irritated her a little, but to avoid extra trouble, Erolu did not refuse the older woman's kindness.

Just let her drop it off nearby anyway, older women of this age group are always stubbornly prejudiced. If you really refused, you'd definitely start chanting again.

However Erolu wasn't paying attention to the point, not far behind the two of them. A van with a black cloth covering its windows was slowly following the two ......

On the way, the older woman was asking questions about Erolu. How many people are in the family? How old is she? How long has she lived in this area ...... Although she felt a little annoyed, Erolu answered out of courtesy.

The woman was surprised to hear that she was 16 years old and not a child anymore. The older woman was surprised and had a strange gleam in her eyes. But Erolu, who was somewhat bored with the other party, naturally didn't notice the situation.

"So, you're a high school student now, girl?" The older woman continued to ask Erolu various questions without fail.

"Yes ...... I go to seventh high school."

"Seventh high school. ......" A look of joy flashed in the older woman's eyes, as if she had received some important information.

"Cross that junction ahead and go through the alley on the right and you'll be under my house. Auntie you can drop it off here ......" Elu, who was already impatient, intended to just muddle the other party through and forget about it.

"Okay, be careful on your way, girl ......" waving her hand, the older woman said goodbye to Erolu. This was a bit of a surprise to Erolu, who had expected the other party to insist on seeing her off for a while longer ......

But it didn't matter. He crossed the intersection and was about to turn down the alley when ...... something unexpected happened.

A hand holding a white cloth reached out from behind her and covered Erolu's mouth and nose.

The unpleasant smell irritated Erolu's nerves, and she tried to struggle, but found her body unable to exert any strength and her consciousness slowly drifting away.

Was this a human trafficker? But anaesthetics work on demons too ...... was the last thing on Ero's mind before she lost consciousness. And the last image she saw before she fell into darkness was of the older woman across the road who was running towards this way with an anxious look on her face ......

Consciousness slowly returned, the vibrations around her and this voice ...... herself was in a car?

Elu just wanted to get up, but found that she could not even turn her head down, and her body could not use any strength at all.

There seemed to be several people talking around her, but Erolu couldn't hear what they were saying. Then she realized that the only thing she had regained was her consciousness.

Her eyes could not open and her hearing was severely affected. Rather than having no strength, she could not even move a finger because the instructions from her brain were not being communicated to her body at all.

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora