Chapter 3

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^^^ if you cant picture levi smiling

Levi's P.O.V.

It was last period, I was super tired. My classes were so boring.

My eyes were half closed when I slipped into the only seat left. It was in the back, but i didn't care.

My eyes opened when I heard a small gasp beside me.

I turned my head and saw him. It was Eren, that boy who I sat by before school. His v-neck shirt was exposing more of his beautiful tan skin. I found myself subtly staring at him for a long while. Noticing every little detail about him.

I could never get bored of staring at Eren's perfection, but i decided to actually pay attention.

"And you have to have a parter for this project. Get it done by next Friday." The teacher spoke.

Oh shit I have no idea what the project is about. She said i needed a partner so who should I pick.

I liked Eren, and his amazing body. Why the hell shouldn't i pick him.

"Pick your partners everyone!" said the teacher.

I leaned over towards Eren.

"Do you want to be my partner?" I asked. I hope he wants to.

"M-me?" He asked.

I noticed he was shy around me. I wonder if it was just me ,or all people.

"Yes you, Eren."

"Sure" He said smiling. His smile was so breathtaking. His eyes were bright, and his whole face lifted.

I pulled my chair over to his desk.

"I have no idea what this project is about." i spoke

Eren smiled at me, and i couldn't help but return the smallest of grins. What is with me.

"i tell you what it is about" he said gigging a bit.

As he explained how the project was about the structure of invertebrates, I jotted down everything important.

"Levi are you ok?" I heard someone say.

I quickly opened my eyes to find a frowning Eren.

"Levi you fell asleep." he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oops" i shrugged

The bell started ringing to indicate school was over. How long was I asleep?

"Remember to Do your projects!" The teacher said as we were headed out.

I heard foot steps behind me and tured around to see Eren.

"You were asleep for 20 minutes" he told me.

I'm hope I didn't miss anything too important.

"Maybe we can work on it after school?" I asked him.

"Sure that would be great!" He said excitedly.

His adorable cheeks turned a light red, clearly embarrassed by being so enthusiastic about us working together. My heart felt heavy as that fact, but I ignored it.

"Your place or mine?" I asked

"Lets do my place." He told me.

"Do you walk?" I asked him.


"We could use my car instead?"

"Sounds great" he replied with a grin.

I walked with him outside the school to the parking lot and took out my keys.

Eren smiled at me, thanking me without words.

I liked being around eren. I felt happy with him.

This will be a fun week.

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