Chapter 12

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Eren's POV

I had texted Levi 1 hour ago. Why is he not answering? Maybe I should call him, or would that make me look like a weird obsessive person. I should just relax, maybe he turned his phone off for some reason.

I was laying in my bed, scrolling through tumblr on my phone. I let out a small sigh as I swiftly got out of my get and headed towards the door.

As I exited the apartment building I checked my phone.

No new messages.

I walked in a random direction. I knew this area, and I always found my way home. The cold air nipped at my exposed skin. Maybe I should have worn a jacket. As I reached a nearby park after a few minutes, my breathing started to increase as I thought about what to do about levi ignoring my text. If I call he might think I'm weird, but if I don't I won't know what he is doing. There is no guarantee that he will answer me. Soo I guess it wouldn't be too bad.

Calling 'Levi :)'


This was not levi, a female voice was being sounded through the speakers.

"Uh, hello is Levi there?"

"This is his girlfriend" I could practically hear her smirk.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I'm his girlfriend and he will be having sex with me in a few minutes." Her words were slurred, I could tell she was drunk.

I didn't believe he had a girlfriend. This girl was clearly drunk, she was probably delirious as well.

"Ya whatever you say. Can I speak to him?"


Call ended.

No, no, no. She was lying, levi wasn't her boyfriend he would never do that to me.

Oh god, what if it was true.

Would he do that to me?

No, never.

My mind was going a mile a minute and I could do nothing about it. I felt like my chest was caving in on itself and my pulse was the speed of light. It was happening, I was having an anxiety attack. My breathing was erratic, I was scratching my skin, desperate to escape this emotional pain.

A snowflake.

It Fell onto my nose, and melted away almost like it never existed. The remainder of its existence was a small amount of water.


My mind was blank, and I was perfectly fine with that.

I slowly shuffled to my apartment building staring at the side walk. I didn't dare think of anything, only focusing on the light amount of falling snow surrounding me.

As I stepped into my room, my panic was starting again, I felt as if I was running frantically through the dark searching for something like my life depended on it but the item was nonexistent. I felt burning hot tears pool at the bottom of my eyes, threatening to spill. My heart was being ripped in half, slowly and painfully.

I searched for the one thing I loved more then Levi.

My razor blade.

I slowly dragged my beloved across my hot skin, splitting it in two. Another slice across my arm. Blood was pumping out of my cut, and I felt my arm numb.


A.N. *wisper closey to ear* thanks for 1k I love you all so much I can't explain how amazing I feel about this I almost passed out when I checked wattpad. Sorry to ruin the moment, chapter 13 will be up soon.

Save Me (Levi x Eren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora