Chapter 15

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A.N. I changed the ending of chapter 13 a bit.

Eren's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and a overpowering scent of cleaner and antibiotics. I slowly noted my surroundings, I was in a hospital. There was a heart monitor to my left beeping along with my heart beat. A mask was wrapped around my face providing extra oxygen, and there was a bag full of donated blood being slowly pumped into my arm. Levi was asleep in the chair next to my bed.

My heart started pounding, how did I get here and why the fuck was levi here?! A thin bandage was tightly wrapped around my stitched up forearm.

Now I remember.

I tried to kill myself, and I failed.

"God dammit!" I couldn't help the yell coming out of my mouth, the frustration of still breathing and still fighting was too much to handle.

I tried to reach for the oxygen mask, maybe if I removed it I would die of oxygen deprivation. My hands were restrained with leather cuffs attached to the hospital bed.

I could not stand being chained up i had to move, my legs were kicking the air and every part of my body that could, was moving.


A doctor walked into a the room, she had her brown hair in a pony tail and rectangle glasses on her frowning face.

She glanced at the clip board connected to my bed. "Eren afraid if you keep struggling we will have to give you sedatives."

"Wh-why am I in restraints!?" I half yelled.

"You are a danger to yourself, eren." She spoke with pity in her eyes.

I noticed movement next to my bed. OH SHIT LEVI! He was waking up, and I could do nothing to get away from him. Damn these cuffs.

"E-eren" levi spoke like he was broken inside, like he lost the will to live.

It's all an act, he is doing this on purpose to mess with me. Why the fuck didn't I die. He was staring at me like I was the first human he has ever seen.

"Y-you...tried to k-kill." his eyes were getting getting glossy, I noticed a small tear fall from his eye. He just kept staring at me, with those cold dull eyes.

"Yes levi thank you for pointing that out I tried to kill myself" I spoke exactly as I felt. It didn't matter that I wanted to kill myself he doesn't care. no big whoop.

"Eren... I love you" he whispered so lowly I could barely hear what he was saying.

Half of me was about to burst with excitement Levi loves me. The other half thought he was lying. which one should I listen to.

"Please, go tell it to you girlfriend." I spoke rudely.

"Eren that was my ex she is a jealous bitch she was lying to mess you."

I turned my head and looked at the ceiling. I had no idea what to think of Levis statement.

"Kiss me" I said. I had no idea if he was lying or not, all I knew was I wanted his lips on mine, to feel the happiness and the intimacy that coursed through my veins whenever our lips made contact.

He couldn't kiss me, my oxygen mask was in the way, a pout was played on my face as I was very unhappy at this fact.

Levi Had a gleam of hope in his eye as he leaned over and left a long lingering kiss on my cheek. That was all it took to completely calm all of my stresses, and relax my muscles.

"I believe you" I took a deep long breath before speaking

"And I-i love you too"

Levi then put a full on smile on his flawless face. He quickly bent over my bed and gave me a giant hug.

"Awwwww I love happy moments!" Said the doctor.

"Oh shit I forgot she was here" levi said against my t-shirt.

"That's okay Levi im not here to ruin your moment. Also ,Eren, I am sad to say you wont be out of here for about a week. we have to keep you here to watch your condition carefully. If levi didn't show up you would have died of blood loss."

I was not sure if I was happy or disappointed levi showed up.

All I knew was I love levi and I was alive. I wasn't just breathing, my heart wasn't just beating. My mind was active my soul was awakened, and my love for Levi was overwhelming.

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