Chapter 7

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Levi's POV

"Scars, they are scars."

My mind thought of what he meant.

Then it hit me.

He had done this to himself.

Eren, had cut himself.

"Please say something Levi." Eren said through tears.

I was frozen.

"Eren. I cannot let you do this to yourself i know we don't know each other that well, but I care for you so much. I cannot stand the idea of you hurting yourself in any way." I said staring into space.

"Levi, im so sorry."

I did not know why he was apologizing. All I wanted to do was stop this. I had no idea he was so sad, that he would resort to self harm.

"Tell me everything Eren. Tell me every last detail." my voice held no emotion. That's how I was feeling, no sadness no anything my mind was blank. All I wanted in the world was to know why my Eren would do this.

(Eren told Levi chapter 1, leaving out the parents dying in a car crash)

He explained to me every last detail of how he was feeling.

By the end of his long speech we were both crying.

He was so sad. So Terribly depressed I had never gotten the impression from him at all. I realized is was because of me. I was the one who made him happy.

All I did was pull up his sleeve, bring his mutilated arm up to my mouth, and kissed his forearm.

"Levi. You complete me. Without you I am a lost soul. I could not imagine life without you."

I loved every bit of Eren, even his scars. I loved the lilting in his laughter. I loved the way he fake complained to me. I loved the way he blushed when stared at his beautiful plump lips. I loved how his eyes were so bright when he looked into mine.

I laid down next to Eren and he turned his head to face me.

I pulled his large body close to mine and delicately kiss my wingless angel.

Eren's POV

Was this real.

I had just exposed my soul to Levi and here he was kissing me. I felt like 1000 pounds were lifted off of my chest as his lips wrapped around mine.

"Eren, Never cut yourself again." he spoke through kisses.

"Okay." I answered truthfully.

With Levi by my side I was happy. With Levi I felt nothing but glad.

With Levi. Only levi.

Levi's kiss was getting heavier. His mouth parted inviting me into it. His lips tasted like chocolate, and I found myself melting in his arms. It was a good thing we weren't standing or my knees would go weak.

I disconnected my lips from his, gasping for air i hadn't realized I needed. Levi wanted more, he brought his lips to my neck and started sucking. I moaned in pleasure as he soothed the tender area with his warm tongue

"L-Levi I don't want to move so fast." i moaned while he was nibbling at the skin above my collarbone.

"Im willing to wait for you, baby."

My cheeks heated and my stomach fluttered when he called me baby.

"Thank you...sweetie." I smiled.

I noticed Levi's cheeks turn a light pink.

I smiled widely at how he reacted to my pet name.

"Are we to-together?" I stuttered hoping he said yes. I think it would kill me if he didn't.m

"Yes. Well, only if you want to be together. I do."

Me heart leaped out of my chest at his answer. As my cheeks heated.

I got down one one knee jokingly,
"Levi Ackerman, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes! Oh Eren!" he said sarcastically while fanning himself with his hands. He flashed his award winning smile.

I love how we could be hot and bothered one minute and joking with each other the next.

I smiled the largest smile I could make at the thought, Levi Ackerman was my boyfriend.

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