Chapter 8

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Authors Note:
I am so sorry it took so long to update this. Please don't mind that it is a crummy chapter.

Levi's POV.

We laid in the bed snuggling, I was so happy Eren was my boyfriend. We should go on a real date. At a fancy restaurant making googily eyes at each other.

I smiled at the thought, I was glad Eren couldn't see me. I was the smaller spoon, dozing off to the steady sound of Eren's breathing.

We were relaxed and comfortable for 20 minutes. Just as I was about to fall asleep, i heard Eren wisper.

"Levi, I know you are asleep, but this has to come out."

I stayed perfectly still not risking him thinking I was awake.

"M-my whole family is gone, when they died I-i tried to end my l-life" He said still trying to wisper.I felt tears on the pillow we were sharing. I immediately turned around and kissed my broken boy.

"L-Levi! You're awake?" He stuttered

"Yes. I am so so sorry about your loss. Think about how they might be gone, but there memory lives on through you. Don't be sad about their loss, you are so strong by yourself. You don't have to be alone anymore. You have me, and I have you. Never ever try to end your life, you are such a wonderful person, you being gone. Would effect me, your friends, and people who's days you brightened by your smile."

Eren smiled weakly as he looked into my eyes. Small tears fell down his face as he embraced me.

"Somehow you always find ways to make me smile. Please don't leave." he whispered into my hair.

"I'm not going anywhere."

He let out a big sigh singing he was comfortable. We laid there facing one another telling each other things about ourselves. It was blissful, for the first time in my life I felt like I belonged, to him. finally not relying on myself for happiness that i couldn't receive.

"What is your favorite food?" Eren asked.

"Ribs, what is yours?"

"Crab legs!"

"Okay what is you favorite animal?" I asked


I smiled widely.

"Are you implying that I am an animal?"

"Well now that I think about it you are too boring to be an 'animal'." he flashed a beautiful grin at me.

", um. Long hair like a lion." I tried my best to insult him, but gun to my head I wouldn't be able to.

"Why yes, I am a lion." he said swishing his elegant brown hair.

I couldn't help but laugh at his statement.

"That you are. im getting tired though lets go back to bed."

Eren nodded in approval as he turned me around and wrapped his strong arms around my small body. I felt so safe, he was the only person who made me smile. I would never be able to repay him for the happiness I felt around him, the smiles I shared with him.

Once I was sure he was asleep. As he was snoring lightly in my ear, i uttered 4 simple, but meaningful words.

"I think love you."

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