Chapter 10

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Authors Note: I changed it and now Eren lives in an apartment.

Eren's POV

"Where are we going!?" I said to levi as he pulled me through the streets of New York. I was smiling and laughing trying to keep up with Levi's quick pace.

"Let's play a game! I'll spin you around and whatever store you land on we will go to a restaurant that starts with the same letter."

"O-okay!" I was super confused as to why levi wanted to choose a restaurant this way, instead of just picking one.

Levi let go of my hand and slowed to a stop. My head was literally spinning as he turned me around and around, with my finger out. When levi stopped me my extended arm pointed at a Reebok store.

"Quick! What are some restaurants that start with 'R'?" I asked levi.

"Umm. Red lobster."

"YES!!" Red lobster was my favorite restaurant, because it held my favorite food, and type of food.

"Let's get a move on!"

After arriving at red lobster my mouth started watering at the scent of cheese biscuits. I instantly remembered the way crab legs glazed in a good amount of melted butter consumed my taste buds.

"Um. Eren you have a little drool there." Levi said with an amused grin. snapping me out of my thought about crab legs.

"Yeah let's j-just order" i said slowly distracted by the wonderfulness of red lobster.

I ordered the mega seafood platter to share with Levi, both of us gobbling up the delicious meal.

We walked home together holding hands enjoying each others company. My stomach was bloated because I ate so much. Once we arrived at my place I plopped on my bed and digested my meal

"I never Realized how messy your place was." Levi looked in disgust at my room.

"Yeah..Im to lazy to clean it."

"Let's get to work then"

"UGH" I said as levi directed me to the pile of clothes in the corner of my room. I felt so stuffed I didn't want to move.

"Pick these up clean them and I will reward you."

Oh my. My face blushed wildly at his words.


I proceeded to pick up each one of my dirty clothes, and place them in my laundry basket, as Levi threw my discarded trash into a trash bag.

When I finished putting all of my clothes in the washing machine I thought about what Levi's reward would be.

"I'm done Levi what do I get"

"Someone is exited"

"N-no I just want to know."

"This is your present." he said as he kissed me passionately.

Fire was in my heart at the contact, the way I felt could not be explained in words, the best way would be euphoric. his sweet soft lips, that tasted of sugar consumed my senses, it was like I was floating.

His sweet soft kisses moved down to my collarbone and he nipped at the skin. I felt Levi's lips smile against my skin. He put his hands up to my hair and his lips back up to mine. Our kiss was so gentle but at the same time so deep and heavy. the bones in my legs were turning into jelly.

"I gotta go" he whispered.

"L-levi don't leave"

"I have to go home baby"

"Nooo please don't" I closed my eyes and put my forehead on Levi's shoulder. He picked me up bridal style, and placed me on the couch. I heard paper rip and my front door close.

Sadness, is what I felt. I knew Levi left, why did I have to fall for him so hard. I knew he would have to leave eventually. The sad thing was he wasn't leaving me, he was just leaving my house. I still felt upset at that fact. I looked at the piece of paper levi left.

Text me, love. 926-826-9261. <3
(Not a real number ^)

He had called me love. I felt so happy once again he had made me smile when I was sad. He always makes me happy. He is so amazing in every way. I used to be a depressed little boy, but with him I am myself a happy eccentric person. His laugh made me so happy, as did his smile. He had this effect on me I never felt with anyone else.

I think I love Levi.

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