Chapter 2

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Levi's P.O.V.

I awoke from a deep sleep, dreaming about finally being in love. I wish i could find that.

I dont need it. I am tough as nails. All by myself.

I lazily brushed my hair and teeth, before getting dressed in jeans and a green hoodie.

I walked out the door, and headed to my first collage class.

If students were early they would sit in a big room and chill until school started. Of corse I was early.

I sat down in the back with the least amount of people.

There was only one boy sitting there, he had brown hair, a few strands falling in front of his face, as he moved down a bit to start doodling. His tight shirt wonderfully displayed his large captivating muscles. His big eyes held so much emotion, they were held with sadness and concentration. They glanced towards my direction and I swear my heart skipped a beat. Damn those blue eyes, no green, turquoise eyes. The perfect balance of green and blue, I felt myself being drawn towards them.

I slipped into the seat next to him, my heart going fast. I just ignored it, I took out my favorite Manga, attack on titan.

"He-hello" The boy said quietly his eyes filled with nervousness.

"Hi" i said coldly.

"I-im sorry for bothering you" he spoke softly with his head down.

"You didn't."

He did not reply.

After 5 long minutes i noticed a tear fall down his perfect face.

"Why are you crying?" I said trying to conceal my worry.

"N-no reason" he lowly spoke through small sobs. His eyes were filled with nothing. No sadness so happiness just emotionless pits. They were dull I felt my heart fall.

I moved closer to him, and put my arm around him. I thought it may be strange, i did not know this boy. but he needed comfort. I wondered why he was feeling sad. I didnt want him to be sad.

After relaxing for a moment. He tensed up and tears started falling down his flawless face faster then before.

"Please dont cry." I said softly, looking down on his lightly shaking body.

Eren's P.O.V.

I was looking at this stranger holding me. I felt so comforted by him. His dark eyes held no emotion. I searched his breathtaking eyes and saw a glimmer of worry.

He was doing this as a joke wasn't he. I cried harder knowing no person would try to comfort me without an objective.

Why am i like this. My heart hurts so much.

I gently pushed him away, and he pulled away as i did.

"Im sorry I am crying. Please dont feel uncomfortable" i said to him wiping my tears with my jacked sleeve.

"Dont be sorry, sometimes we need to cry."His deep steady voice soothed me along with his words and i stopped crying, relaxing my muscles. How did he do that?

I looked into his dark eyes. They flashed a glimmer of light as he met my gaze.

"M-my name is eren." i spoke in my small voice as I wiped the remainder tears off my eyes.

"My name is Levi." he said looking deep into my eyes, i feared he could see the sadness lying within them.

The bell rung indicating it was time for the first class.

I slowly got up picking up my backpack and shuffling to class.

All day I was thinking about him i could barely focus on school.

He was just being nice, it was nothing. but I felt something between us. No, it was nothing.

By the time my last class started I was mentally exhausted of the battle between feelings in my mind.

Then I saw a flash of beautiful raven hair.

Then it struck me, Levi was in my class.

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