Chapter 10

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~Ash's P.O.V.~

"Ash?" I jumped at the sound of Baekhyun's voice, shaking my head. "What?" "Are you going to introduce everyone?" I nodded, shoving my tiger out of my head with all my strength. "Yeah, I will."

"Ok, so Hello," I said, turning and bowing to the werewolves, "I am Ash, the leader of our little group. My other side is a tiger." "I'm Mo," said my sister, stepping up besides me, "the second youngest of the group. My other side is a snowy owl." "My name is Dakota," said Dakota, stepping forward, "I help protect the group. My other side is a boa constrictor." As she spoke, her eyes never left the tall Alpha standing before us. (A/N *cough cough* mates *cough cough*!!!!! ;);))

"Hello!" Said Maylei, jumping forward, "I am Maylei! My other side is a fox! Please take care of me!" The small boy next to the Healer, Xiumin I think, started forward, but Suho grabbed his arm before he could go anywhere. Not seeming to notice, Zahra stepped forward.

"I am Zahra," she said, her eyes flashing, "Other side porcupine." "Kade," said Kade, appearing at Zahra's side, "Other side is a macaw." "I'm Min-jee," said Min-jee, "My other side is a flamingo."

"My name's Catalina!" Said our youngest, stepping out from behind Akili, "My other side is a blue jay." "I am Akili," said Akili, "Catalina's protective older sister. My other half is a zebra." "Sakura," said the girl next to me, "Other part is a dragon, much like yourself Alpha." Kris's eyes widened at her words but she ignored him, continuing. "I am the leading protector here, and if you feel the need to hurt any of our group you can bring that complaint to me." All of the werewolves nodded quickly, avoiding her eyes.

"Um, Ash, right?" Said the panda-like werewolf, stepping forward, "Aren't you missing someone?" I turned around, doing a quick count of my members. 8, 9, 10...Aaliyah's coming....wait, where was Raine?

"I'm right here!" Said a voice, coming from nowhere. The panda boy jumped, looking around wildly. "Where are you?" Raine giggled, and suddenly the panda was on the ground. She suddenly reappeared again, sitting on the panda's chest. "Hello Tao!" She said to him, waving, "I'm am Raine, the master of camouflage! My other side is a chameleon." She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek before standing up and skipping back to me, leaving Tao on the ground, his face now red. Well, that's one way to meet your mate.


Yah, I'm sorry it's so short! It'll be longer next, I promise!

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