kitty_purrfect: Good night Ryujin. Thank you again for earlier.

I can't believe I let my jealousy show. Why am I even jealous? It's not like we will ever be together. We live in different countries. I have a kid. I doubt he wants someone who already has a child. We barely know each other. And I have a boyfriend. Why do I keep forgetting that?

I have work in an hour and it seems like Ryujin will be busy with his nephew. It's gonna be so boring but it is cute how he seems to care about his nephew a lot. I wonder how he is with kids. I bet he would make a good father.

I give Eva a bath because Dana apparently can't stop his game to do it. He was talking about starting a YouTube channel with his friend where they play games. I told him that if he has time to record and play games then he has time to help me with Eva but he just got mad at me and called me an ungrateful bitch.

After Eva's bath, I get her ready for bed and hand her off to Dana. I head down to the basement and log in for work already dreading it since Ryujin won't be around to keep me company.

hard_carryy0: Ello

kitty_purrfect: I thought you were busy with your nephew?

hard_carryy0: I guess I tired him out. We played a lot of Thomas and the trains lol you at work?

kitty_purrfect: Yes. I'm back in hell dealing with demons who calls for help but acts like they know everything

hard_carryy0: Sounds like a lot of people here in America lol what did you do while I was gone?

kitty_purrfect: the usual. Took care of Eva. Had an argument with my boyfriend. Tomorrow we're going to his parents and I guess we're having a date night the following day. He apologized for our fight earlier so yea

hard_carryy0: That's good that he apologized but he's still an asshole who needs to do better at taking care of you and your kid

kitty_purrfect: he's thinking about starting a YouTube channel with his friend and I'm kinda annoyed with the idea because then his friend will be here all the time and I'm not a fan of him. He's a bit obnoxious

hard_carryy0: My friend Groggy has a YouTube channel where he post his league games. My voice had made a few cameo in his channel lol

kitty_purrfect: You have a friend named Groggy?

hard_carryy0: Lol his last name is Grog but I prefer calling him Groggy

kitty_purrfect: you're really interesting you know that? I really enjoy talking to you

hard_carryy0: I enjoy talking to you too. How's work though? Any mean people?

kitty_purrfect: tonight hasn't been bad actually. A few calls but not enough to damper my mood. Seeing Dana again later probably will

hard_carryy0: Why don't you leave him and go with your family?

kitty_purrfect: my family doesn't live nearby and when I tried leaving my boyfriend in the past, he would always threatened to take away my daughter from me. Since I don't have a stable job, I can't afford a lawyer to fight against him. I'm too scared to lose my daughter so I would rather suffer than lose her

hard_carryy0: What the hell is wrong with that guy? If he doesn't want you to leave he should at least treat you better.

kitty_purrfect: oh well. He doesn't make me happy nor satisfy me. Thats my life

hard_carryy0: If you could get away without the risk of losing your daughter would you?

kitty_purrfect: I think so. I think I fell out of love with him a long time ago. When he kisses me I don't feel anything. When we have sex I wonder when it will finish

hard_carryy0: Damn. I wish I could help you

kitty_purrfect: Yea I wish you lived closer so we could hang out

hard_carryy0: you'd want to hang out with me??

kitty_purrfect: of course. I think you're cool

To my surprise, it's time to get off work. I log out and head upstairs to see Dana sleeping on the couch with Eva still awake and playing.

I sigh and pick up Eva to take her to go to sleep. "Why is your daddy so annoying?" I ask my 1 year old daughter.

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