✍️ What My Aftercare Looks Like

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Essay - non-erotica

This is from a sub drop perspective, although many of these activities also help my Dom if he experiences Dom drop.

This is what helps me personally. It may also help you but is not meant to be advice.

My Top 3 Favorite Aftercare Activities

1. Wrex reading a book out loud while I lay my head on his chest. Sometimes I can't even follow the story, but the continuous sound of his voice and the steady beating of his heart is so soothing and helps ground me.

2. Naked cuddles and him running his fingers lightly along the length of my spine.

3. Anime and pho.

Immediate/Same Day Aftercare

Hydrate. I like to use Liquid I.V. electrolytes (it's a brand of electrolyte powder but any brand you like will do)

Skin contact cuddling

Words of affirmation

Talking about the scene

Forehead kisses



Rub lotion on any impact areas. Or the whole body

Cotton underwear & comfy clothes

Snacks. Especially foods that encourage endorphin release (dark chocolate, spicy foods, etc.)

Hot bath or shower

Petting and cuddling my dog, if I'm at home

Have fresh sheets ready if we're going to bed after

8+ hours of sleep


Next Day Aftercare

Alone time. This is non-negotiable for me if I'm dropping, I need time by myself and I need time with just Wrex. If I'm expected to entertain others I at least need some buffer time before.

Exercise, especially HIIT workouts. Kickboxing works best for me.


Getting out in nature, even if it's just a few minutes in the sun

Journaling & meditation

Random act of kindness. This can help immensely with endorphin replenishment.

Talking with a friend

Checking in with play partners if they were involved.

Maintenance & Preparing

Vitamin D. I'll die on this hill, supplementing vitamin D has helped me so much. Can't speak for others but many folks are deficient.

The other vitamin D (or whatever 'vitamin' you prefer 💁🏻‍♀️). Have sex and/or masturbate regularly.

Maintenance spankings. Not for everyone, but they help me a lot.

Regular exercise & nutritious diet. If I start to slack on either of these, my drops get a lot worse.

Good sleep hygiene

Limit alcohol, especially before a scene. I used to get very drunk before scenes or playing with others and I had crippling drops. I've since stopped drinking or if I do drink I don't allow myself to get drunk.

COMMUNICATION. Discuss boundaries, your limits. Be firm with them and make sure they know not to flirt with your boundaries or try to push them during a scene. Discuss what you want and what you don't want from a scene. Talk about how you feel before. Ask for what you need.

All this took about a year to figure out and it's still evolving. It's okay if you don't know what works for you yet. Keep experimenting.

My drops are much less frequent now than they were when we first started. If you are consistently having bad drops after your scenes, definitely consider taking a closer look at your aftercare routine. It's helped me a lot.

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