First Day at Work

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Karina POV

5:30 A.M.

Waking up this early should be illegal, I thought as my alarm rang. I got up and looked over at Spencer who was still asleep. Surprisingly, I kissed him on his forehead and walked to the restroom. I took a cold shower to wake me up, I washed my face and hair and got out of the shower. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair in a ponytail. Walking out of the bathroom, I see Spencer is up and is reading a book.

"Good morning, dove"

"Good morning my genius"

"So, are you ready for your first day of work?"

"Yes and no, I know how everything works, but I don't know how I'm gonna do"

"Hey, don't stress, you're Karina Reid-Jones, you are smart, and you are going to do amazing"

"Aww, thanks Spence, I need that"

He got out of bed and pulled me into a kiss

"You're welcome"

"Well I got to get ready"

"Okay, speaking of, so do I, are you done in the bathroom"



He walked to the bathroom and I continued getting ready. Afterward, I went to the kitchen and brewed some coffee and cooked eggs, bacon, and french toast. I filled both our containers with coffee and placed both plates of food on the table. I looked at the time

6:15 A.M.

I have to be at work at 8, but my uncle said to get there an hour early, so I had to eat and leave soon. Spencer was dressed and eating with me when I got a phone call from my uncle.

"Uncle Carlisle"

"Hey, Karina, I was wondering if you wanted a ride?"

"Oh no, I'm good thanks, I'll see you there though"

"Alright, bye"


I got up from the table, put my dishes in the dishwasher, grabbed all my things, and headed to the door. I quickly turned around and kissed Spencer goodbye.

"Bye, dove"

"Bye, genius"

I walked to the car and drove off to work. When I arrived I saw Carlisle just getting out of his car, I got out and walked with him into the building.

Spencer's POV

I walked into work, seeing the team in their usual places.

"Pretty Boy, your back, finally"


"How's the married life"

"So far, it's going great."

"Good, what is Karina doing"

"She's at work"

"First day, she started that today"


"Wow, I'm gonna text her good luck"

"That'll be good, she was kinda nervous about it being her first day"

"She'll do great through"

"That's what I told her, but do we have a case or anything"

"No, it's just a paperwork day"

"Ugh, maybe I should sneak back home, and call in sick"

"Oh, no you're not Reid"

I turned to see JJ with her arms open wide waiting for a hug, I gave her a big hug and said,

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