Family Trouble

21 1 0

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault and Rape

Spencer POV

I woke up to the sun shining through the window curtain, I looked over to see an empty spot next to me, I got up and went to the kitchen, but Karina wasn't there. I went back to the room, looked in the bathroom, and I found Karina putting on her scrubs. She turned around and jumped,  I tried to talk to her, but she slammed the door shut.

"Karina, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to find you exposed like that, I was just trying to find you."

"Its okay, you just scared me"

"I'm gonna go make breakfast, if you have time to eat this morning."

"Yeah, I have time"

"Okay, I'm so sorry"

"It's perfectly okay"

The door opened and Karina pulled me in and kissed me. I smiled, went to the kitchen, and started cooking. I made us omelets and started a pot of coffee. I saw Karina from the corner of my eye and I grabbed the plates and placed them down on the table. Then the coffee was down and I brought a cup for me and a container for her, so she could stay energized for the day.


"What ?"

"Do you always cook breakfast shirtless?"

"Only when you're here"

"Of course, when I'm here, you have to be shirtless, but why"

"Because,  you've already seen my body, right?"


"Then, it doesn't matter"

"But, why"

"Because, I've become more relaxed around you, I love you enough to show you my body, and then when you caught me naked after I saw you, I felt like I got closer to you without saying a word. "

"Spence, I love that reason, and the night that you saw me naked, when I grabbed your clothes and towel, I could see your shadow moving, and I was thinking what were you thinking about."

"I was thinking about - um- don't you have to get to school now?"

"Nope, our classes start later today and then we have the week off for thanksgiving, so yeah."

"Fine, I was thinking about you"

"Me. In what way?"

"You're really gonna make me say it."


"Fine, I was thinking of you naked, I didn't mean to, but your body is just beautiful, and then I grew."

"Spence, it's okay, it's not like you tried to -"

Karina stopped talking at that moment. I got up and pulled her into a hug. She didn't let go and started to cry, I had to reassure her that she's safe and her offender is in jail.

"Hey, Hey, look at me"

She looked up at me with teary eyes.

"You're here with me, you're okay, I will protect you, and your attacker is in jail, you're safe from him."

"That's the thing, he's not in jail, his family is rich and they always have top-notch lawyers on their side. He only did one year in juvenile detention and then he was out. He goes to a different school."

"What, even though he raped multipe girls, attempted to rape you, and technically brought someone to the point of suicide. He fucking deserves to be rotting in jail."

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