Halloween Disaster

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Karina's POV

Today is Halloween, Spencer's favorite holiday, but they got called on a case and I'm going again. Right now I'm waiting at the round table for Hotch to come in and tell us about the case, when Spencer comes in and sits next to me. He puts his hand over mine and smiles at me, until Hotch comes and explains the case.

"Okay, we are going to Salem, Oregon for this case. These are the girls that are missing and only two girls were found dead. They are the same type, blonde, 15- 17 years of age, green eyes, and weigh around 125. This unsub keeps his victims for around 2 weeks or longer. The two girls found dead Abigail Thompson and Tara Jansen were both 16, had cuts all over their bodies, no signs of sexual assault, and the coroner is still looking for a cause of death of both of them."

As I was looking at the photos I was a little worried about going for this case, because they looked a little bit like me.

"I know what you're thinking and yes we will keep Karina close to us for this case because of his victim type."

"Good, I need to make sure my niece is perfectly okay"

I looked over at Spencer and he still had worry in his eyes, but I pulled my hair out of my face to show him I have my blue eye as well to try and calm him down. He was still worried, but I reassured him I'll stay by his side. When we got on the plane I fell straight asleep and stayed that way until Spencer woke me up saying that we're landing in 5 minutes.

When we were going to the police station me and Spencer put a geographical profile and tried to figure out why he did these things. Derek and Hotch came back and said that each girl had a small piece of their hair cut off and the cuts on their bodies were superficial, but the cause of death was an overdose on LSD, which was found in their blood.

After trying to come up with more ideas of why he was doing this, Hotch told us to meet back in the morning, so we all left for the hotel. Spencer and I stayed in one room, Derek in another, and Hotch in his room. Spencer and I fell asleep after taking showers and putting on clothes.

At 1:47 in the morning I woke up and saw Spencer sleeping soundly, but I couldn't go back to sleep and I didn't want to wake Spencer, so I decided to go downstairs to the lobby and read a book. I saw one of the officers that was working on the case with us. He walked past me, but I felt a strange presence behind me. Before I could turn around I had a towel over my mouth and everything went black.

Spencer's POV

When I woke up Karina wasn't there and I thought she was already at the station or with Derek, but I called Derek to make sure.

"Hey, Derek is Karina with you right now"

"No, wouldn't she be asleep next to you"

"She's not here"

"Did she take her phone with her "

"Yeah she did"

"Alright call her "


with terror running through my body, I called Karina and and nothing, so I called again to hear someone answer, but it wasn't Karina it was a man.


"Why hello, Dr. Reid"

"What have you done with Karina"

"Oh, we're just out right now. We'll be back in 2 weeks, maybe longer it matters on how much she can handle."

"Don't lay a hand on her!"

"Now, now doctor you mustn't yell, it's rude"

"Shut up, you bastard, we'll find her and I promise that you'll regret taking her."

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