"I heard that they gave you another day off, so you better enjoy this 'hang out' of yours." Hitch said, making quote marks on the word 'hang out'.

"So, let's see which of these fits you..."


"AH WE'RE HERE!" I thought and looked at the gate of Wall Sina. There's a line of people and horses with carts in front.

I squinted my eyes on the gate and they were passing some paper which I recognized pretty well.

I groaned and huffed. "So I do need a pass..." I thought.

I'm already wearing the glasses I bought, the face mask I made and the red hood up my head.

I glanced at the sun and it was almost noon.

"Dammit. Now what..."

"Hey! Are you lining up or what?!" Someone shouted at me and I glanced at the Military Police.

I tensed up and internally panicked. "How great! I'm so fucked up."

"Where is your pass?" he asked and walked closer to me.

"A-Ah... that is..."

He raised a brow and clicked his tongue. "Where?" he spatted.

"My pass is-"

"Sorry about that, she's with me." Someone suddenly said. We looked at the person and my eyes under the hood widened.

"Sir! Sorry about that miss." the Military Police bowed to me and left.

I got down from Luna and looked at the person.

The person bent down on me and smiled. "It's been a while." he said.

I slightly raised my hood for him to see my eyes and smiled.

"Lucas!" I exclaimed and hugged his waist, he chuckled and hugged back.

"What- your... wow!" I stammered and looked at his outfit.

Lucas is wearing a formal black suit which looks expensive and his hair is parted to the side.

"You look handsome!" I said.

"Thank you." Lucas said and looked at Luna.

"Ah, Lucas, this is Luna, my Clydesdale horse. Luna, this is Lucas, an old friend of mine." I introduced them together.

"Wait, you live inside Wall Sina?!" I asked him with wide eyes.

"Karl too. Our bakery business grew and yeah. And everything was from scratch." Lucas proudly said.

I looked at Lucas in awe. "That's so cool! Congrats bro!" I said and playfully punched his abdomen a few times.

Lucas chucked. "So why are you trying to sneak into Wall Sina? You don't have a pass, don't you? Good thing I recognized you immediately." Lucas said and placed his hands on his hips.

I nervously laughs. "Um... I was about to visit a friend but uh.. yeah I don't have a passswait! How did you recognized me?!" I asked and gestured on my 'disguise'.

"It's obvious that it was you. For me, that is. Nice glasses by the way, nerd." Lucas teased with a grin.

I groaned and covered my face. Lucas smiled and gently grabbed my wrist.

"Come on, let's get you in." Lucas said and pulled me towards the gate.

"Wait, really?!" I asked. I was holding Luna's rein so she could follow.

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