"Well, hopefully, you'll actually be present at the match this time around," Emma said with a giggle.

She raced back inside the apartment with Valarie right behind in pursuit. The day wound down thereafter. Sleep didn't find Valarie easy as Marielle still occupied her mind and the team's overall leadership problem. Two hours after Emma fell asleep did Valarie finally follow suit. A slumber that came from her hope and desire to have this problem solved very soon.


Thursday, October 3rd 2013

Off The Chilean Coast

Like on every school day, Valarie and Emma walked closely together as they headed towards campus. Arms interlocked, the couple casually chatted as they made their trek, with them occasionally greeting other members on the team along with a few friends they've created among Catalina's student body. The weather has turned quite chilly, especially ever since Catalina's school ship departed the Port of Iquique and was currently cruising along the Chilean Coast. Inevitably, during their chatter, the topic of Marielle came forth.

"What's your game plan?" Emma asked.

"I'm gonna find Marielle and talk with her before class starts. I've got some points to bring up that may convince her to accept being third-in-command."

"You gotta find her?" Emma curiously questioned. "Can't you just call or text her to meet up someplace?"

"I, uh, I don't have her number, funnily enough," Valarie confessed. "I only have a few numbers from people on the team. I really chat with the team through the group text, and I don't wanna ask for Marielle's whereabouts and let everyone know. Besides...the group chat is freaking wild."

"Oh yeah!" Emma exclaimed. "Man, people post some real funny stuff in there."

"Who knew this whole entire team was a buncha comedians."

A few more minutes of brisk walking and the pair arrived at the school. When they turned and entered through the main gates, they saw a distinctly different campus from the day before. Everywhere the eye could see were black and orange decorations of all varieties. Walls that were once blank now bore art of ghosts, ghouls, haunted houses, and all other manners of spooks and scares. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Madison appeared between Valarie and Emma.

"Boo!" she exclaimed with gusto.

"Whoa!" Valarie yelped. "Where'd you come from?"

"Well, how about that?" Madison said with a smug grin. "Snuck up on the tankery pro!"

"Alright, alright, I yield the white flag," Valarie chuckled.

Madison's grin transitioned into a warm smile as she placed hands on each of the girl's shoulders. "So, what do you two think? All the decorations? Hmm?"

"It's all fun, but don't you think you're celebrating Halloween just a teeny bit too early?" Emma asked.

"Ah, other people may think so, but not Catalina!" Madison boasted. "October is one of the biggest months of the year for the school, second only to December, cause of Christmas and New Years, ya know? For every October, we go all out. The campus will steadily get more decorated, and in turn, spookier as the month goes by and the departments have their own special projects that they're already working on. I can happily say that the Theater department is working on a little performance for the party."

"Party?" Valarie inquired. "There's gonna be a party?"

"Yeah!" Madison couldn't contain herself. "The Catalina Halloween Party! It's by far the most looked forward to event for every student! No joke, I've met people who applied to this school specifically because of the party."

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