TNT meeting Someone exactly like them

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Jiaqi: Hey that’s a cute dog. I mean it’s not as cute as mine but it’s really adorable.

Jiaqi#2: aw thanks, I really love my dog and I take care of him a lot.

Jiaqi: that’s funny, I take care of mine too and I love him even more than I love my band mates.

Jiaqi#2: well I don’t mean to brag but I love my dog more than I love my family.

Jiaqi: (getting competitive) well I love my dog more than I love myself.

Jiaqi#2: (scoffs) well if you loved your dog so much you wouldn’t let him stay with you, you literally force that dog to stay with you.

Jiaqi: ruuuude!!! My dog likes me okay!?

Jiaqi#2: your dog doesn’t even like you! Mine likes me.

*Bickering over dogs*

Chengxin: *enters spa* I’m so tired from the entire week, I need a little time to myself.

Chengxin#2: I totally get what you mean. Kids, am I right?

Chengxin: *sits down* of course it’s the kids, it’s like they can’t let you have a little time to yourself. And some are too immature for their age.

Chengxin#2: exactly what I go through! I mean wouldn’t things just be easier if kids…

Both: …did everything you said.

Chengxin: OMG we totally thought the same thing!

Chengxin#2: we totally did! We should go for coffee after this and complain about everything that goes on in our lives and blame other people for our problems.

Chengxin: *wiping tears* where have you been all my life?

Yaxuan: *cleaning the street while singing* lalala.

Yaxaun#2: are you a volunteer too?

Yaxuan: yes I am! Nice to meet you. I can’t believe more people didn’t volunteer, we need more people to do good in this world without having to get paid for it.

Yaxuan#2: totally! We need to save the planet and help other people. After this I’m going to sell my mom’s clothes and give the money to a charity.

Yaxuan: me too! I was about to do the same thing! I’m going to sell Chengxin’s clothes.

Yaxuan#2: because you already sold yours right!?

Yaxuan: exactly! You too!?

Yaxuan#2: *nods happily* after this, we should sell all the electronics in our homes.

Yaxuan: *grabs Yaxuan#2’s hands* I can’t wait!

Yaowen: *trying on clothes in shop* wow I look so good. *Sees Yaowen#2* hey! Who the hell are you!? Why do you look as good as me!?

Yaowen#2: no! Why do you look as good as me!?

Yaowen: I’ve never met someone as handsome as me before. You stole my face!

Yaowen#2: no! You stole my face!

Yaowen: I did not! No one’s as handsome as me! I hate you! I’m going to tell Chengxin! *Runs off crying*

Zhenyuan: *writing assignment in class*

Zhenyuan#2: oh, you made a mistake right here. *Points at paper*

Zhenyuan: did you just correct my grammar?

Zhenyuan#2: yeah I’m trying to help.

Zhenyuan: listen buddy, no one corrects my grammar. I’m the only one who corrects people’s grammar okay?

Zhenyuan#2: *laughs* I’m the one who corrects people’s grammar actually. There’s no one who knows English better than me around here.

Zhenyuan: oh yeah? Want a bet?

Zhenyuan#2: yeah I can take a bet. *Pushes Zhenyuan*

Zhenyuan: *gasps* you’re even as strong as me!? I’m the strong one!!!!

/Starts fighting/

Haoxiang: *doesn’t talk to Haoxaing#2*

Haoxiang#2: *doesn’t talk to Haoxiang*

Haoxiang: I like your vibe.

Haoxiang#2: I like your vibe too.


Junlin: *sees Junlin#2* excuse me? What are you wearing? Are those the new Balenciaga’s!? Didn’t they just arrive yesterday?

Junlin#2: they totally did! And I got them! *Gasps* and you’re wearing that cute Chanel sweater!

Junlin: finally someone who noticed my sweater! Everyone’s fashion taste around here is awful and you’re the only one I can talk with it about.

Junlin#2: I know, they all look terrible like they dressed up in the dark. We should be fashion buddies!

Junlin: yeeees!

A/N: currently not very active, taking a break ☺️

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