[Fluff] YAXUAN

122 13 25

*you are eighteen

You and Yaxuan had been dating for a few months. It was a sweet relationship even though it had its obvious ups and downs. But you loved how you and Yaxuan got along very well despite your slight differences.

It was February 12th, just 2 days away from Valentine. This was going to be your first Valentine's Day with Yaxuan, and you were nervous and excited at the same time. You didn't know what to give him as your boyfriend, neither did you exactly know how to spend the day.

'So Y/N,' Yaxuan said to you at a cafè on a warm morning. 'How many Valentine's Day cards have you ever received?'

'Well, none really.' You answered. The question didn't require much thought.

'None?' Yaxuan widened his eyes. He had probably received tons of them.

'Yes well, it's hard to receive a card when you don't have a boyfriend,' you answered then took a bite out of your donut.

'I know, but you didn't receive any from admirers or something? Because you're really pretty, I bet you had admirers.'

You giggled. 'Nope. No one really ever gave me a card for Valentine's Day, and you're my first boyfriend.'

'I see,' Yaxuan said flatly as he grabbed his paper cup. 'I guess it's cool that I'll be your first Valentine.' he smiled.


On the 13th of February, you shopped for a present for Yaxuan to give him on Valentine's Day. You still didn't know what to get him, so you decided to get him a Valentine's teddy bear. You weren't very sure if he would like it, but it was Yaxuan anyway. He probably liked stuffed animals.


When Valentine's Day finally arrived, you were excited when Yaxuan texted you. But when you saw the text, you were dissapointed. It said: sorry Y/N, I won't be able to make it 😢 I didn't know our band had an activity today. I promise I'll make it up to you when I'm free.

Even though you were dissapointed, you knew there was nothing you or him could do about it. It wasn't his fault, but sometimes his schedule was frustrating. These were the moments you wished you had dated a normal boy and not an idol.

Sitting on your bed, you tossed the bear you had gotten Yaxuan on the floor. You got up and walked down the stairs, ready to have breakfast and try to forget what had just happened.

'Good morning Y/N,' your mother greeted you once you made your way into the kitchen where she was making pancakes. 'Aren't you going out with Yaxuan today?'

'He's busy,' you answered without energy and sat down on one of the chairs by the counter.

'Oh I hope you're not too mad at him, your father and I are going out today.'

Great, even your mother had plans and you didn't. You nodded at her statement, realizing that you are going to spend Valentine's Day alone without your parents either.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

'I'll get it,' you got up from the chair and walked over to the white wooden door. When you opened it, you were met by a delivery man.

'Delivery for Y/N Y/LN.' The man announced and held up the pink round box in his arms. It had a white satin bow on top of it.

'Oh,' you replied as the man handed over the box to you.

'Please sign here,' he told you and handed you the clipboard. After you signed and returned the paper, you walked back into the house. You didn't want your mother to see what was in the box before you, so you sat in the living room to open it.

You knew it was from Yaxuan, but you didn't think a present woulr make up for him not being with you on Valentine's Day. Still, perhaps it would make things better.

You undid the bow and looked inside, and it had the usual: roses, a box of chocolate and cards. But what surprised you was the number of cards in the box, they were probably more than ten.

You were confused and picked up the biggest card of all, it read:
Happy Valentine's Day Y/N,
When you told me that you never received a Valentine's Day card before, I made it my duty to give you all the cards you had missed out on. So I gave you 18 cards, each for the Valentine's Day you had missed when I wasn't around. I promise that you're never going to have another Valentine's Day without a card again, I'll always make sure I give one to you each year. :)

You smiled to yourself and got a bit emotional after you read the card. You picked up one of the others, and all had different dates and different messages: 14 February 2019, 14 February 2018 and so forth. You could tell that Yaxuan had put a lot of work in the cards. A small smile appeared on your face as you read each one of them.

'Y/N! What's taking you so long in there!?' your mother asked from the kitchen.

'Nothing' you quickly replied and packed the cards back in their boxes. Before you returned to the kitchen, you wrote Yaxuan a "thank you" text. Even though you knew he wouldn't see it any time soon, you just had to thank him for what he had done. Your first Valentine's Day with Yaxuan was memorable and beautiful.

A/N: I'm not good at fluffs, I hope this okay. If not I'm sorry 😭😭😭 prtgadim

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