TNT in Harry Potter

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A/N: At first I was going to base it on the Harry Potter plot then I realized it's been years since I watched Harry Potter, I hardly remember a thing! So I'm just gonna use the spells from Harry Potter


Professor=so last time, I gave you homework to look into spells which you would really find interesting to cast. Did you do it?


Chengxin=but maybe Jiaqi didn't have time because he has a crush on Harry's class mate. *Elbowing him* what's her name again? Hermione?

Jiaqi= *blushes* are we seriously going to talk about this in class? Last time I'm ever telling you anything.

Professor=anyway, what spell interested you the most and can you demonstrate it for us?

Chengxin= *grabs wand* I'll start! The spell I learned is for opening locked doors.

Professors=and why do you find that interesting?

Chengxin=oh you know, it means I can open each and every single door even if it's locked. Sometimes the guys lock their doors so that I don't see what they're doing. But now, I'll be able to open every door whenever I want to and find out whatever I want to!

Yaowen= *swallows hard* is there a counter-attack to that spell?

Chengxin= *points wand at locked backdoor* aberto!

/Door flies open/

Professor=good job Chengxin.

Yaxuan=Chengxin able to come in whenever he wants to? We're dead.

Professor=what about you Yaxuan?

Yaxuan=oh me? I really liked a spell that causes uncontrollable dancing movement.

Yaowen=of all the spells in the world that's the one you liked?

Yaxuan=yep. Who do I try it on...uh...?


Yaxuan=you! *Grabs wand and aims at Yaowen's legs* tarantallegra!

Yaowen= *uncontrollable dancing* why did you have to choose me!? Make it stop!

Yaxuan= *laughing* this is so funny! No wonder I love this spell!

Yaowen=make it stop already!

Professor=okay Yaxuan, that's enough. Make it stop.

Yaxuan=ooh...oh...I don't know how.

Yaowen= *still dancing* are you kidding me!?

Yaxuan= *laughing* but it's so funny!

Professor=finite incantatem!

Yaowen= *finally stops and glares at Yaxuan* if I had prepared a terrible spell, I would have revenged.

Professor=well, thank you Yaxuan. Let's move on to Yaowen. What have you prepared for us?

Yaowen=well, mine was interesting. *Takes mirror* I'd like to see myself in different hairstyles because I would obviously rock them, so I learned a spell that does just that.

Jiaqi=of all the things you can do with magic! *Rubbing temples*

Yaowen=much better than a spell to make someone dance. *Points wand at himself* crinus muto! /Turns blonde/ look at that!

Haoxiang=I honestly don't think you rock blonde.

Yaowen=jealous much? Crinus muto! /Longer hair/ wow, I think I also look good in this one. Crinus...

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