Detective He

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In the semi-darkness, the detective circled around his suspects. He had no doubt that it was one of them, but the problem was the evidence.

Either way, he had been trained for this. He knew what to do and what to say to find out the truth. No one could hide a crime from the detective, he had been solving crime for as long as he could remember.

He looked at each one of the young men in front of him, all of them exhibiting potential guilt and potential innocence.

He slammed his hand on the table...

Junlin: tell me the truth!

Chengxin: for crying out loud, nobody ate your cake out of the refrigerator Junlin!

Junlin: it's Detective He for you.

Jiaqi: you have been keeping us here and making your weird narrations for an hour now -_-

Junlin: who ate my cake!?

Yaxuan: this game is so fun :D can I be the detective next?

Junlin: this is not a game.

Yaowen: *turns on light* I'd like to stick around but I have much more important things to do. *Walks away*

Zhenyuan: ditto

/All TNT members leave him behind/

Junlin: anyway where was I? Ehem...

The suspects got away, but not for long. Junlin was still lost in thought, thinking about who had actually done it. But he knew it wouldn't be too long until he found out. In the meantime, he could always drown his sorrows in eating.

He walked to his sanctuary, AKA the kitchen. But something was wrong, the sandwich which he had kept on the counter was missing too. Detective He realized this case was bigger than he thought. He had no time to waste.

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