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Ma Jiaqi's personality is calmer among the seven members; he is gentle, stable and sometimes cute. He has a personality many girls dream of. He would prefer a sweet, girly yet sensible type of girl. A girl with a small child's personality but who is dependable at important times and who can be relied on by him occasionally. Personally, I think Ma would prefer a younger sister type of girl.

Ding Chengxin is attractive enough, and I feel that most girls are not a beautiful as him. There is no doubt that Chengxin is a face-judger, but he is probably immune to the typical beauty of his own looks. The girls that Ding Chengxin likes are the gentle, soft-looking elder sisters who are not typical beauties. But he may also like the atypical pretty girl who is hotter in character than in looks.

Song Yaxuan is a tall, long-legged and well-built man, with a manly body and a pretty face. He often falls into the inner world by himself and feels that girls should be more gentle, to understand his inner world. Or it can also be a funny girl who can accompany him to roam his inner world together.

Liu Yaowen may tend to be the older sister type. I feel that he would like her to a little hot, tall and long-legged older sister, and her body should be really eye-catching. It may be someone from showbiz who is good at rap or an idol, but usually not an actress.

I think Zhang Zhenyuan should be suitable for all girls. He knows how to respect girls and has his own ideas, and girls really submit to his gentleness. I feel that he is the kind of person who showers girls with love.

Yan Haoxiang comes from a background that is very much like the main character in the novel. It may be possible for him to find a talkative girl but only if she is pretty. I don't need to say anything about Yan Hoaxiang's look, so he must find a top-notch pretty face. A girl should preferably like soccer to be able to have some common language with him. I think Haoxing might like very petite girls who are about 1.5 metres plus.

He Junlin is from a wealthy family and his parents love each other very much. I personally like this kind of family atmosphere, and I'm sure he will love his wife very much in future. I heard that he is very quiet and private, so I hope the girl will be more delicate and sentimental.
Well, do you agree with this!? And do you fit anywhere? Hope you do.

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