When HWLT came out

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A/N: I know this is a bit outdated since it came out last year but what the heck? I’mma still do it since they really like it.


Jiaqi=what are we having for lunch today?

Chengxin=Meat loaf? How would you like it?

Junlin=oooh!!! *Singing* ho-how you like that?

Zhenyuan & Haoxiang join him, dancing the choreo while singing

Chengxin= *shakes head* you guys are annoying.

Z, H & J= *singing* look at you now look at me!


Teacher=so as you can see, the exclamation point can be used in several ways. Imagine if someone is on a mountaintop and wants people to see him, he can yell “Look at Me!!!”

Junlin= *singing lowly* look at you, now look at me.

Haoxiang & Zhenyuan= *singing* look at you, now look at me.

Yaxuan=oh no, not again. *Rubs temples*

Chengxin= *glares at the three and whispers* even Yaxuan is getting annoyed with you. Shame on you!

H, J & Z= *still singing lowly*

Chengxin= *bangs fist on desk* enough!

Teacher=Mr. Ding, do you mind sharing with the class why you’re making noise so much?



Jiaqi= *picking groceries* does anyone like this?

Junlin= *getting excited*


Junlin= *singing* ho-how you like that!?

Yaowen=oh no.

/Zhenyuan & Haoxiang join/

Chengxin=can you stop singing that song for once in your life!? *Stuffs bread he’s carrying into each one’s mouth*

Shop Attendant=you haven’t paid for that bread yet sir.

Chengxin=I will pay for it!

Chengxin= *fixing bed* I swear if I hear that song again I’m gonna kill them.

Jiaqi=I think for once…me too.

/From living room/

J, H & Z= (singing while dancing “How You Like That”)

Chengxin=that’s it! *Storms out*

Jiaqi= *follows him* what are you going to do!?
/They meet Yaxuan and Yaowen halfway/

Yaxuan=you guys are tired too right?


/So once they are in the living room, they grab the three members and tie them to chairs and tape their mouths/

Yaowen=ha! Good work guys! *High five*

H, J & Z= *struggling*

Jiaqi=so are we leaving them like this the entire night?


Jiaqi=come on.

Chengxin=fine, if you guys promise not to sing “How You Like That” again, we’re going to let you go. Promise?

H, J & Z= *nod vigorously*

Chengxin=ok then. *Removes tape from Junlin’s mouth*

Junlin=oh finally! *Singing* ho-how you…

Chengxin= *tapes his mouth again* this is why we said we should leave them like this!

Jiaqi=you’re right. Goodnight guys. *Walks away*

/They all disperse and leave the members/

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