Dark Humor

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Yaowen and Yaxuan laughing together

Jiaqi=hey what’s going on?

Yaxuan=Yaowen and I were just sharing some jokes.

Yaowen=hear this one! What do you call someone who shaves 10 times a day?

Jiaqi=I don’t know. A…hairy guy?

Yaowen=nope! A barber!

Yaxuan= *laughing so hard*

Jiaqi=oh hehe, okay, that’s a good one. I have one too. What do you call a fake noodle?

Yaowen=I don’t know, what?

Jiaqi=an impasta.

Yaxuan= *laughing ten times harder*

/The others walk over to hear/

Chengxin=oh good one! I have one too! What do you call a funny mountain? Hill-arious.

Junlin=me too! Me too! I have one too! What do you call a man with no ears?

TNT= ???

Junlin=anything you want because either way he won’t hear you!

Zhenyuan=what do you call a pig that knows Karate? A pork chop.

/TNT laughing and having a good time/

Haoxiang=I got one too. What’s pointless and a waste of time?

TNT: …

Yaxuan= *still laughing* what?

Haoxiang=you, you guys are pointless and a waste of time.

Another one, two people walk into a bar, they both die, the end.

Yaxuan= *slowly stops laughing* um…okay.

Haoxiang=another one. My best friend is like a hidden treasure, you need a map and a shovel to find him because he’s buried in a grave.

Chengxin=okay! That’s enough! What is wrong with you?

Yaxuan=there he goes again ruining the fun for everyone.

Haoxiang= *smirking* come on, I’ve got more.


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