Yaowen as the Oldest Member

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Yaowen took a potion that magically turned him into the oldest member.

Yaowen=I can’t believe I’m the oldest member! I can do and say whatever I want! *To Jiaqi* You! I find your dog annoying and I want you to get rid of him. He’s the reason I’m getting allergic to dogs.

Jiaqi=Yaowen...that’s not fair. You’ve never been allergic to dogs.

Yaowen=are you being rude when the oldest member is voicing his complaints?

Jiaqi=no just that…okay. *Folds arms*

Yaowen= *to Yaxuan* you! Okay, I have no problem with you, you’re my favorite.

Yaxuan= *smiles*

Yaowen=now what? Oh right, someone should does the dishes.

Zhenyuan=it’s do the dishes.

Yaowen=don’t correct my grammar kid. Ever.

Zhenyuan=ok fine.

Yaowen=so who will does the dishes!? I didded them yesterday?


Yaowen= *glares*

Zhenyuan=never mind. This is sacrilege! I can’t take this! *Walks out, mourning English’s death*

Yaowen= *to Haoxiang* uh-ha, you! I hate the fact that you think you’re so tough.

Haoxiang=I don’t care.

Yaowen=and I hate the fact that you pretend that you don’t care about anything.

Haoxiang= *shrug*

Yaowen=you know what!? Go scrub the toilet right now!

Haoxiang=that’s not my job.

Yaowen=challenging the oldest member?

Haoxiang= -_- okay. *Walks out*

Yaowen= *to Junlin* you…I’ve always wanted to ask if you really want to dress like a girl or you do it to feel more confident about your height as the shortest member. Since girls are small and cute.

Junlin=that doesn’t even make any sense. That’s just rude.

Yaowen=yeah whatever *pushes Junlin out of his way* saving the best for last, you’re all mine Chengxin.

Chengxin=fml, I’m sorry. I never meant to be so bossy. In my defence it’s just my nature so…

Yaowen=I don’t wanna hear any of that Chengxin! You my friend are going to be my personal slave. You will do what I want, when I want it. Whatever it is.


Yaowen=oldest member talking! (Sits down) go find a palm leaf and fan me.

Chengxin= *glaring*

Yaowen=go on will you!?

Chengxin= *grudgingly walks out*

/In Real Life…/
Chengxin= *waking up Yaowen from his dream* Yaowen, Yaowen, wake up.

Yaowen= *wakes up* where is my breakfast Chengxin!? Bring me my breakfast at once!

Chengxin=excuse me!?

Yaowen= *realizes it was just a dream* uh-oh.

Chengxin= *Slaps Yaowen*

A/N: so, I have exams for the next two weeks starting Monday. So if I won't answer your messages/comments or read your books on time, please bear with me. But once I'm done with exams, I'll be back! I just have lots of preparation to do since I procrastinated a lot ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀) I'm just trying to survive. So anyway, later pips!!!

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