hear the song my heart is beating to?

Start from the beginning

"Oh, no. Not again," he muttered while Winn smiled at him cheeky.

Barry and Kara's Apartment

J'onn flew into the home of the newly weds, and transformed into Kara in pajamas. He sighed annoyed as he wrapped a robe around him. "The indignity." He then tilted his head a bit when noticing the two still had loads of unwrapped Christmas and Wedding gifts in their living room. He rolled his eyes over the situation, until he heard someone knocking at the door.

"Kara, you in there?"

"Yes," J'onn called out, imitating Kara's voice, as he headed for the door, adjusting the glasses on his face. "Yes, I'm coming."

When he opened the door, he looked almost annoyed when seeing Lena on the other side. "Lena, what a surprise."

"Kara, you haven't been answering my calls. I've been worried," Lena said.

"Yes, I've just been trying to sleep off this," J'onn said in a dull tone before forcing a small cough. "Flu."

"Um, well, chicken soup," Lena said before handing the container over to him.

"That's very kind of you," J'onn said. "Where's Iris? Isn't she supposed to be taking care of you? And where is Barry?" Lena questioned, annoying J'onn more.

"Iris is uh...out. Getting me soup actually. And Barry is, uh. Working. Unfortunately," J'onn dully answered and Lena nodded before she just barged into the apartment, heading for the living room. "Yes, please do come in."

"You believe what's been going on out here?" Lena asked, sitting down on the big couch.

"Yes, I, uh, have been keeping up with it," J'onn said, following her once he shut the door. "I am a reporter at a national news organization."

"Yeah, I...I know. You work for me," Lena said, with a confused tone. "That fever is really going to your head."

"You have no idea how much I am not feeling like myself," J'onn said and Lena slightly smiled awkwardly.

"Listen, I know this is unimportant, given everything that's going on right now, but...it turns out that you and Iris were right about the chemistry. Uh, Jimmy and I kissed," Lena confessed.

"Congratulations," J'onn awkwardly said.

"Well, yeah. Jimmy is an amazing kisser," Lena continued but J'onn just nodded his head. "It's just, this morning he started acting really odd."

"Olsen can be...enigmatic," J'onn said.

"Yeah, well, I know what it's about. I mean, my brother is Lex, Jimmy is Superman's best friend, and, you know, for a minute there, I forgot my last name was Luthor. That's a mistake I won't be making again," Lena said.

"Oh, I'm sure that's not the case," J'onn said before sitting next to her. "Olsen likes you. A lot. I assure you if James is being awkward, it is not because of your last name."

"And here I was coming to make you feel better," Lena said with a smile and J'onn nodded. "I should go back to work. You should rest."

"Yes, boss," J'onn said.

And with that, Lena got up, and left the loft, leaving J'onn to his brooding self. "Agent Schott," he said into comms. "Don't ever make me do that again."


J'onn walked back into the weapon compartment, in his regular skin again, walking right towards Alex, Winn and Barry. "No Supergirl, no cavalry, and Reign is strong. She doesn't know what we're capable of."

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now