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"Just like old times, huh? Me and you against the whole world

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"Just like old times, huh? Me and you against the whole world."


Dubai's eyes widened. Instead of following after Denver and Helsinki to inform the rest of the team, she ran as fast as she can towards her office. She reached under the couch and pulled out her personal luggage that was hidden. She opened it, revealing it to be filled with Dubai's personally customized weapons.

She grabbed her infamous Fantasma Rossa mask which was a high tech red and black goggles that clasps onto a separate piece of mask that covers the lower part of her face. She strapped it onto her arm.

Dubai then grabbed her personally made pistol that instead of shooting out bullets shoots out really tiny but strong sleeping darts. Even if the dart as so little touched the clothes or heavy armor of what the person is wearing, it'd penetrate a person's nervous system and temporarily paralyzed them in a matter of seconds.

Dubai sprinted as fast as she could towards the loading dock, catching up with the rest of the team. Dubai mentally cursed as she realized how she had forgotten to put on her bullet proof vest. She knew it was too late to get one as they heard the loud explosion coming from the loading dock.

Once they reached the loading dock, it was too late. The entry was blown up leaving a huge hole that exposed them to the outside world. Helsinki, Rio, Moscow, and Denver who was carrying the heavy iron door to cover up the hole rushed to the site. As they tried closing it up, the police had opened fire towards it. Dubai, Berlin, and Tokyo hid behind the barricade at the front.

"It's not going to hold! Just drop it and take cover!" Dubai instructed as she spotted them struggling.

Just as the iron door fell to the ground, Helsinki fell to the ground as though he got shot. Berlin and Dubai fired shots towards the police officers, covering Nairobi as she rushed to check up on Helsinki.

Bullets fired everywhere, coming from both sides. Dubai paused for a second as she tried calculating a way for them out. Berlin glanced at Dubai, aware that Dubai was in her critical thinking moment, but he was more worried that she was the only one who wasn't wearing a vest.

Out of nowhere, the police fired a smoke grenade towards them.

"They have thermal imaging equipment! That smoke will only block our sight! Get it out of here, Moscow!" Berlin ordered.

Moscow did as he was told as he put on his gloves before chucking the grenade back outside. An idea then popped in Dubai's head as she continued firing shots at the team of police who were starting to advance towards them.

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