o n e : [ old friend ]

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"One way or another, she isn't made for a quiet life that she claims to desperately want"

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"One way or another, she isn't made for a quiet life that she claims to desperately want"


"Sergio, you gotta come see who's on the news!" Andrés called for his brother.

Sergio emerged from the kitchen to join his older brother in the living room who had his eyes glued onto the television.

"Breaking News. After being away from the spotlight for almost 2 years, following the arrest of her infamous criminal father. Carina Valentino, also known as the Fantasma Rossa, had found her way back into the life of crime. It is reported that Valentino had robbed Monaco's Monte Carlo Casino $25 million Euros late last night around 10 in the evening. She showered the whole Casino with casino chips that reportedly valued to be around $8 million."

Sergio's eyes widened a little while Andrés simply smirked just from hearing the love of his life's recent success.

"The authorities are still unsure how Valentino managed to extract the huge amount of money. But it was reported that Valentino left in a motorcycle, with no signs of the money she stole. There were no casualties reported during the chase for Valentino. Valentino still remains unidentified and it is unclear how many accomplices she had involved in this heist."

"Fucking genius," clapped Andrés as he got up and turned to his brother.

"I don't understand. Last time I spoke to Carina she swore off participating in any type of criminal activities. Not to mention that this is the first heist she's done in 2 years and she didn't contact us," said Sergio as he furrowed his brows.

"Oh come on, we both know Carina. One way or another, she isn't made for a quiet life that she claims to desperately want. And as you can see, she clearly doesn't need our help," said Andrés.

"Carina gave you instructions on how to find her location before she left, right?" asked Andrés, raising a brow.

Sergio nodded his head. "Yeah, why?"

"Sergio, don't you think it's time to get our Queen back just in time to pull the biggest heist in history?" smirked Andrés.

As much as Sergio wanted to respect Carina's wishes of having a quiet life, he knew that having her long lost friend part of his heist would be the key for them on succeeding.


Carina jolted awake from the unusual sound of a knock coming from her front doors. Familiar with the nature that comes with unexpected visitors, she grew worried about who was behind the doors.

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