"You can't say no to it." Li said making me raise one of my eyebrows.

"See, it depends on what it is." I turned to boys.

"Okay this your christmas gift from our sisters." haz handed me a bag.

"Oh no I can't." I sighed

"It's christmas gift so you can't say no and don't tell our sisters we forgot to give it to you on christmas because then we'll never hear the end of it." lou said in one breath, I laughed, nodded and opened the bag. It was having a dress and a pair of beautiful footwear.

"Thank you boys, It's beautiful I'm gonna call the sisters." I said getting up to fetch my phone but just then the bell rang.

"I'm gonna see who's there." I walked to the door. As I opened the door there stood a very pretty lady with a small child in her hands.

"You must be cherry. Oh you're so pretty." the lady hugged me catching me offguard.

"Thank you ..." I trailed off not knowing her name.

"I'm Louise Teasdale, you can call me lou." she said and I nodded.

"I'm cherry and who's this cutie?" I said referring to the baby. I wanted to hold her so bad but I had to resist my hands.

"She's lux, you can hold her." she said handing me the baby and I beamed.

"How old is she?" I asked eagerly.

"5 months."

"wow I also have twins of 5 month olds, shit! I'm sorry please come in." I moved aside of the doorway and opened the door for her.

"Come in guys." she said entering the house and no. of people entered 2-3 stands with many dresses hung on it.

"C who's there?" haz stopped mid sentence.

"Hey lou! Hey lux." he said in baby voice and took the baby from me and we all walked in the living room.

"Hello boys!" lou said while I helped Mrs. Adams in the kitchen.

"Lou!! hello! how come you're here, not that we mind." Li asked as haz set lux on the rug with the twins and they started playing.

"Well simon send all these clothes for cherry, he picked them on his own, beware he's having something evil up his sleeve." she warned and I walked into the living room as I heard my name. "Oh and please call him." she insisted and louis started calling him, he picked up on the third ring.

"Hello boys!" simon spoke through the phone.

"Uncle Si" boys rolled their eyes.

"I see you've received the clothes that I sent for cherry." he said and I looked at the stands, not one of the clothing was decent, it will barely cover my hips or cleavage.

"Hmmm" Ni hummed in agreement and all of the boys headed towards the stands and started making disgusted face towards it and shaking their head.

"tell cherry that she'll only wear these clothes and she can't wear anything on her own or else..." he trailed off and Mrs. Adams was leaving when I motioned her to stop.

"Or else?" I challenged taking the phone from louis' hand.

"Cherry." he acknowledged

"Simon." I spat and the boys eyes widened because they knew all well I was boiling up on the inside and started shaking their head. All the air was sucked up from the room.

"Or else I'll put a restraining order on you and you'll never be able to be anywhere around them, Cherry." he cockily said and my nose flared.

"First of all I'd love to see you try that Simon and next I'm not one of your barbie dolls who will follow what you say and wear these senseless clothes. If you want me to wear the outfits as you say then you better send me the clothes which are appropriate and actually you know what I don't have any problem wearing these clothes which you sent me, I would have worn it but that cocky attitude of yours doesn't work well with me so I will not wear these. Do you get that? If not also, I don't care because you better get it and get these clothes out of this house." I hung up and handed the phone to louis. There was pin drop silence in the room for sometime.

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