"He's right, Mikey; we really regret what we said and did to you, especially that night" Raphael added.

"But it's my fault that it happened, I ran away after I trashed the place and everything" Mikey sadly points out.

"You only messed the living room up and you cleaned it up; Besides, you did the right thing and you did your best to make up for us...but we were just too hard on you and we treated you like garbage that night" Donatello replied, looking down in guilt.

"We don't blame you for running away because what we said about you was a really shitty thing we did and one we will never forget to not do again" Raphael responded.

"Can you ever forgive us for all that we said and did to you, little brother?" Leonardo pleaded for forgiveness.

Mikey looks at his guilt depressed brothers; for a moment, he almost want to forgive them and move on with them from the darkness that holds him but fear and shame held him back as he starts to shiver a little and shudders out: "I don't know"

"What do you mean, Otōto?" Leo asked in concern.

"I don't know if I could forgive you...I know you're sorry and you feel bad but...I'm scared things will just be the way it was before everything happened. Me being the screw up and you guys wishing that I'm not your brother" Mikey whimpered.

"No! That will not happen again, not anymore! We're gonna be better than what we were altogether" Raphael vowed.

"That's right; we'll work together this time, all of us," Donnie nodded.

"You'll never feel alone or useless ever again" Leo comforted Mikey.

"I...I just don't know if I can do this anymore" Mikey sniffed, trying his hardest not to cry.

"You can trust us, Mikey," Donnie cooed.

"What is really going on in your mind, little brother?" Raphael gently asked.

"C'mon Otōto; talk to us" Leo kindly pressed on.

Mikey begins to panic again and shudders out: "No, I can't do this! I can't say! You'll just find me boring or you'll get mad at me again if I open my mouth, just please! Just forget this ever happen and just go back to living your lives without me"

As soon as Mikey begins to get up and make a dash for his room, the three brothers grab Mikey and pull him down into a comforting embrace. They held Mikey one by one close to them and spoke to him with comfort and reassurance.

"Mikey, it's alright" Raphael assured.

"We want to help you," Donnie pleaded.

"Speak to us, Mikey; tell us how you really feel," Leo encouraged.

"I...I don't know if I can," Mikey whimpered.

"Yes you can, you can do this" Raphael cooed.

"Take all the time you need, we're not going anywhere" Leo whispered.

"We won't find you boring and we won't get mad at you, we promise" Donnie vowed.

Mikey looks at his brothers as he was unsure at first but something in his heart tells him to let everything go and tell them what he really wanted to say; He eventually starts to open about how he feels and everything that made him feel lonely, depressed and unappreciated by his family.

"I know I can be annoying, I know I'm not smart like Donnie or strong like Raph or even a good leader like Leo but...I try to be the very best I can because you're my family and I love you so much...I would give my life to make sure you guys are happy and alive"

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