When the Villains Move First

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The number 1s had to have variance, otherwise it would be a team of 80 All Mights, had strength been prioritised the most. 

Kalista- 6'6 heavy build muscleman. His shoulders are the size of small boulders and his naturally tall stature is backed up by his quirk which is heavily reliant on his muscle mass. See Kalista's quirk allowed him to multiply his muscle strength by a certain number and thus it overall boosts all his other attributes.

Though by his behaviour he gave off a 'meathead' vibe and Midoriya was certain he could have the man conked out, by using Fa jin and blackwhip. 

It wasn't to insult the man but the actual power of OFA was simply that great. All Might had nurtured OFA to an unbelievable degree, and as the power is passed it obviously evolves. So when it was passed to Midoriya, 80% ish of his power was actually the same as 100% of All Might's power. 

Sure it meant that Midoriya was quite strong but the reason he didn't have the same force as All Might was because of his base strength. He wasn't 220cm tall like All Might nor did he have bulging muscles. He was quite built for his height and if people dare say, buff but he wasn't anywhere near All Might's strength.

"Regardless, I think we forgot to ask the question who the hell is actually still delivering letters? In the state the country is in?" Neon the German number 1 asked. They had to communicate in English since it's the most commonly spoken in the room and was undoubtedly spoken with a heavy accent for her.

Midoriya remembered her profile quite well actually.

Neon- 5'8" a Mid built woman with a conjuring quirk who specialised in bindings from the nigh indestructible chains she manages to summon. Her agile movements and uncanny footwork allows her to make even the biggest of them fall to their knees.

"More importantly," a man with ash blonde hair and sunglasses slams his hands down onto the table when getting up, "why the fuck is there a kid here?" He asks pointing at Midoriya.

Izuku feels confused so he turns to look behind him.

"Why are ya turning around?! I was referring to ya!" The man spoke with an evident Australian accent.

 "...I'm sorry who are you?" Midoriya asked genuinely baffled by the man, as people snicker at his question the man seems angry.

"Oh, ya think yer funny. Well mate, let me show you a joke." The man says as a sword comes out of his hand and he grasps it in his hand but before he can move.

"Midoriya..." Nezu's voice interrupted the two, "I would appreciate if you didn't kill a guest."

A bead of sweat ran down the man's cheeks as he felt the cold, black wires coiled around his throat. It was on just barely tight enough for him to breathe but he wouldn't be able to gulp even if he wanted.

"I wouldn't kill him Principal. Just defending myself from when a stranger randomly attacks me." Midoriya justified.

"Midoriya, the man misinterpreted what you said. Don't attack him for no reason." Ryukyu chimed in while putting a hand on his shoulder. 

Slowly Midoriya removed his blackwhip from the man's throat but still the quirk evidently left marks on the man's throat.

"That Midoriya is the new number 1 from Australia, Kraiki Mait." Nezu explained before bringing their attention in, "This is Izuku Midoriya, hero name: Dawn. He's an ex first year student, who we haven't reinstated yet. However, don't let his age fool you, his quirk as versatile it is, he's received extreme training from every pro in the school including me and has been conditioned for the purpose of fighting these villains. Oh and he's made almost every single one of them have a personal grudge against him."

A Dragon's Saving LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora