Which meant Jase hit Huraira more than once.

"Learn to shoot, asshole!" Huraira snapped - taking precious time to unMorph - the second time she got shot.

"Learn to sword!"

What did that even mean? Red lunged forward with just a little too much strength. Their blades locked as Huraira got a face full of fangs and saliva foaming at the corner of Red's mouth. "Why are you such a good sword fighter?" Huraira spat as more sparks flew and Huraira narrowly missed gaining a second scar on her cheek.

She Morphed back. The risk wasn't worth it.

Red laughed as she chased Huraira around, slashing. "I mastered all forms of combat!" Red said, unMorphing and blocking Jase's shots with her cloak. "You should feel honored, King. There is no other mutt who's had the privilege to be put down by my blade."

Huraira slashed but Red twisted her cloak, using it as a shield to block Huraira's attack and Morphing back. Shit. Huraira was running out of steam. Red was better than her. By a long shot. And at this point, she was just toying with Huraira. Huraira needed her to slip up. But Red had experience on her side. She kept slashing and lunging, a few of her hits actually landing, but Huraira was protected by her skin as Jase kept being totally useless at shooting.

Huraira jumped back, distancing herself to unMorph and yell, "I could really use a distraction!" Red was on her in an instant. Morph back- Morph back- Morph back-

"Working on it!"

But whatever Jase was working on, would never come to pass as a guttural roar echoed over Last City. Red and Huraira stopped fighting, their heads turning to the mountaintops, a massive wave of blue fog seeping over it, headed straight for them.

The Storm had come early.

"Shit," Red muttered under her breath.

"Come on," Jase said, snapping Huraira from her daze. "We have to get to shelter now!" he said, running to pick Kova up. He still hadn't moved from the place that he'd fallen.

Huraira dashed towards them as Kova staggered to his feet, helped up by Jase and a staff he'd made at some point. But then he turned and for reason Huraira would never be able to explain walked towards the Storm.

"Kova!" she snapped. "Kova, what are you doing? We need to go!"

Huraira's cries fell on deaf ears as the Storm got closer and closer, flooding streets. There was no time to move, no time to flee. Huraira stared up at the wall of rushing death.

She never thought this would be how it ended.

Until Kova slammed his staff to the ground and everything stopped.

For a breath, nothing happened. Then it all did. The hood of Kova's costume fell, the hair Kova had dyed the prior night fading entirely to white and then floating upwards as the Storm began to move once again. But this time it was into Kova's chest.

Huraira gasped for breath as silence flooded city streets. The Storm disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Slowly, Kova turned back around, staring at them with glowing white eyes before he pointed his staff at Red.


[author's note]

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[author's note]

i am still not... thrilled with this chapter, but at least it was posted on the correct day of the week!

let me know what you guys think!

let me know what you guys think!

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