
105 17 2

I accept this proposal
For the man who saved my life.

Baekhyun mansion

Whole mansion was filled with chaos and gossips . The people were running blindly here and there as if fire is spread all over the jungle . Hera was just sitting and observing the view in front of her . She was damn confused about the situation. She was numb. She only wanted if Baekhyun is alright or not .
She would lie if she says that she did not feel anything towards him but the mafia thing was making her hold back from taking a step.

When situation was under control, Chanyeol decided to take a peek to his brother . It's not like it was the first time he has been shot but due to brotherly love he had for Baek , he decided to check on him..
Just as he entered the mansion, he was first met with the confused Hera who seemed like she was trying to understand the whole situation. But as he went near her, he saw a fear in her eyes , which was obviously evident . He approached near her and put a hand on her shoulder and said,
" Hey, are you okay?"
Hera was startled at first but when she noticed the person behind her, she released a breath of relief. She did not know but she felt a bit comfortable around him .
She thought for a moment, and than replied with her sweet voice,
"Oh , yeah I am fine , thanks for your care".
She immediately bowed her head .

Chanyeol smiled at her cuteness, than said,
"If you need anything , you can inform us ,and please don't be afraid , the people here are not as bad as you think"
With that , he made his way to Baekhyun's room . But he felt something was holding his hand and he turned around to see Hera's worry eyes again. He knew Hera wanted to say something but he was not able to make out, before he can say something, Hera asked,
"how is he , Chanyeol?"
Chanyeol was shocked that she did not fear for her life as she was in mafia world but a CRUEL, HEARTED MAFIA.

he thought for a moment , and than asked,
"Why are you asking , I mean are you not afraid of him?" After hearing this Hera felt embarrassed for a moment but than said,
" I don't know why is he so cold but I know one thing he was the first person who saved me , I know the reason behind was not me, maybe the deal but I really felt safe ".
She suddenly stopped and suddenly a smile crept around Chanyeol's face and thought,
"How I wish I could tell you , he came for you."

Chanyeol than gave her the warmest smile,
And said , "you can come and check on him"
Hera hesitated for a moment and than proceeded with him

Her heart beating was fast . It seemed as if it will burst . She catch her pace with Chanyeol. She entered in his room. His room was painted black and dark . It really can give mafia feels. Maps were scattered all over the places which were obviously of no use . The files were scattered everywhere on the table with torn papers thrown here and there. Totally, his room was a mess.
When chanyeol noticed the room and than looked at Hera and than gave her a awkward laugh and said , "I am sorry but the room is a bit messy " Hera just said it's alright .

Chanyeol was scratching his hair and was thinking from where he should start to clean the room . It has always been hectic for him. But when he turns back, Hera placed the papers at one side and was sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at Baekhyun , the stare was filled with care .

As Hera was staring at him , a click on door was heard which caused her to turn and her face and saw that Chanyeol was departing , before she could utter , chanyeol said , I have faith that you will take care of my brother , Hera-ssi . I have some work , so I am leaving and I am happy that there is someone who cares for him." He waved at her. Hera was surprised by his words, because he was right and she did not only care but also started loving him . The fact that he was a Mafia did not scare her and she was ready to sacrifice her life for him because that day when he saved she found care for her , a feeling of protection in his eyes

After 1 hour , Baekhyun opened his eyes and saw that Hera has fallen asleep . He did not mind and just fell asleep again while scooting her in his arms to feel warmth .

When Hera woke up, she found no Baek but than the voice she longed for was heard,
"You are awake," Hera turned her head and saw Baekhyun ready with his suit and searching for something.

Hera just remembered and handed him the papers , and said, "I am sorry, but are you searching for it" Baekhyun nodded and grabbed the paper like if there was important thing in it . He eyed her and than saw wethee something was missing.

"So do you accept the proposal?"

"Yes"Hera sighed and said .

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