This time even the students paused as it was the first real showcase of his quirk. Ryukyu began chuckling as she approached them.

"you know...I keep forgetting how much of a cheat that quirk of yours is." She giggled.

Izuku's eyes mellowed for a second as he thought 'cute.' before realising it and shaking his head to get the thought out of his head.

"Well, this is all o-" Izuku began speaking but stopped as soon as danger sense began flaring.

Ninth, something akin to a nomu is coming. A voice emanated in his mind. 

'What was that?!' Izuku wondered before decided the questions to be for later. "Everyone get back inside! Immediately!"

"Izuku?" Inko asked worried at his sudden change.

He looked back at her for a second, "something you guys should rather not see is coming here. I'll be fine don't worry." Ryukyu looked at him before deducing what it was, already shifting to her draconic form.

"I'll help." She said as she transformed.

"No. I want to try out my abilities." Izuku stopped her as he began jumping and rolling his wrists.

"Midoriya! Now is not the time to experiment!"

"Well it's the best time. Unless you're suggesting I do that against Shigaraki." He shrugged.

Ryukyu watched him with narrowed eyes, " I'm jumping in as soon as you seem to start struggling." 

Izuku nodded, "sorry guys, I wanna try out some moves, mind helping protect the parents. Someone also contact Nezu sensei would be nice." 

Before anyone could reply, green electricity began thrashing around his body.

'Let's try push Full Cowl to 70%' He thought.

You should be able to do it. My Danger sense detects it to be something like a nomu but it doesn't seem to possess any hostility. Hikage now added.

Tread with care, ninth.  

'Got it.' Midoriya began sprinting to the outer wall and jumping to the top of it. In one jump he basically flew up, as he activated float on top of it. As he well surpassed the wall he saw something like a nomu was flying towards the school.

It looked like one of the ones that carried Shigaraki away but this seemed stronger.

Izuku narrowed his eyes, 'how are they producing these, I thought the doctor who made these died.' 

AFO is a careful one. He wouldn't simply rely on one doctor to do all his bio-engineering.  The second spoke up. It's fine you can easily kill this one.

As the Nomu was approaching closer, it seemed that its mouth was moving. A voice began coming out.

" IZUKU MIDO-DO-DORIYA! ME-ME-MESSAGE MU-MUST DELIVER!" It let out in a jumbled mess as it seemed to recognise him.

It was disturbing to say the least. But as the monster came up and near Izuku's face, it halted as if pausing mid air.

It opened it mouth and a speaker was attached to its tongue. "Ah it seems I was right. You can use the elusive hermit's quirk."

'Elusive Hermit?' Izuku wondered.

'He means me. I spent my life basically in caves and stuff so...' Hikage judged.

"I'm assuming you're talking to him again?" AFO asked but didn't wait for an answer, "Fantastic, I was wondering why it was such a problem trying to capture you. I found it so weird that no matter how many of my friends go after you, they never return. It really hurt you know?"

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