BCH#5 - End of the Year

Depuis le début

Zekaj peeked under the arm that was holding the door open, his face upside down but his cheeky smile was still wide. What was this demon planning?

"Nothin' bad," Zekaj grinned, ripping off his towel and putting on a pair of black briefs. "Close your eyes."

Hunter huffed, deciding to trust Zekaj which he never could tell was a good idea or not.

After closing his eyes, he heard the pitter-patter of Zekaj's bare feet on the floor. The demon muttered to himself, seemingly trying to find something in the room.

Suddenly Zekaj's hand was covering Hunter's eyes, "Keep them closed."

Hunter nodded as he felt Zekaj lift up his legs and pull a pair of underwear up his body.

"I can dress myself you know."

"Shhh," Zekaj whispered, his feet thumping away.

Again he heard Zekaj fumbling around and a sudden soft metallic purr.

"Ah FUCK," Zekaj yelped, making Hunter want to open his eyes. "Fucking got caught in my chest hair..."

Zekaj tried to zip it up the rest of the way but it was extremely tight around his upper chest. Hell, the whole thing was pretty tight around his muscles but the person he commissioned to make them in the void hadn't even worked with something like this.

"Nice," Zekaj said to himself. Hunter assumed the demon was checking himself out in the mirror like he always did after putting on clothes.

Hunter heard Zekaj's large feet coming back to him, his normal stomp a little more muffled.

Zekaj grabbed at his feet and suddenly was putting them in a soft cloth and Hunter held back a laugh.

"What are you doing?" Hunter chuckled, looking down at where he assumed Zekaj was.


Sighing, Hunter felt the clothing reach all the way up his back as Zekaj pulled his hands away and shoved them through the sleeves. Something went over his head and he heard the familiar metallic sound of a zipper.

"Okay... Okay..." Zekaj said backing up. "Open your eyes!"

The first thing he noticed was the pattern of the black onesie. One row was of a winged dragon-like creature but sharper. The next pale-gold wavy lines and stars. With some other lines with Christmas-y detailing and another large row of giant snowflakes. The cuffs, as well as the inner lining, were the same pale gold color that he knew and loved.

Looking down Hunter saw he was in one that was identical just to fit his body better compared to Zekaj who's onesie looked like it was a second away from ripping at the seams.

Zekaj's onesie wasn't zipped up all the way, stopping just under his pecs. It was kinda hot but of course, Hunter had a thing for pecs so he would find most things concerning them hot.

His hood was up around his black hair and you could see where his two horns were poking at the fabric. It was adorable to look at, especially with Zekaj smiling proudly.

"I think I need new measurements as these are a couple years old and daddy's grown a bit," Zekaj winked, as he walked up to Hunter and wrapped his arms around his waist. The blush on Hunter's face was bright red and Zekaj smiled, kissing each of his cheeks.

"You look cute," Zekaj said, sliding around Hunter and positioning themselves in front of the mirror. He sat his head on Hunter's shoulder and checked his mate out in the mirror.

"You look adorable," Zekaj grinned, squeezing Hunter.

Hunter stared at himself in the mirror, his face still shocked from the thoughtfulness of Zekaj's gift. He had never thought in a million years he'd be sitting in Hell, with a hot ass demon boyfriend, in matching Christmas onesies.

How to Tame a Demon [BxB]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant