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Portgas • D • Ace

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Portgas D Ace

"This isn't how marriage works," Deuce massaged his forehead, already feeling a raging headache approaching as his captain stood with his hands linked with the woman next to him who only smiled sheepishly at his words. Ace simply shrugged and Deuce was about to scold him for his carelessness when he realised Ace would most likely reply with 'I'm a pirate, I don't have to do things the right way' and he was honestly not in the mood to strangle his captain out of frustration.

"Fine, whatever, you're both married I guess." His captains eyes sparkled as he was about to turn to y/n only for Deuce to interrupt him once more. "But! You both have to get rings, I dont care if you're a pirate or not you're wearing a ring, captain."

Reaching his hand to scratch the back of his neck, Ace hummed and flickered his eyes up as he thought of what to do. Suddenly, and idea sparked in his head and he released y/ns hand to run off, not before reassuring her he would be back with the rings and that she would love them. As he ran off in the distance, y/n sweatdropped and walked to the blue haired mans side to place a hand on his shoulder. Deuce jumped and looked back at her in surprise. "Sorry, I know Ace can be a handful."

He glared at her, "And you arent?"

"Nope," She grinned, "I'm a whole menace."

"Yeah..." He muttered, "I'm sure all of Wano knows that now."

"Y/N-SAMA!" As they walked back a small and squeaky voice yelled out her name and small shaky arms wrapped around her legs. Y/N looked down at the purple haired girl with a gentle smile and bent down to the girls level while whispering a small apology in her ear. Tama sniffled and wrapped her arms around the h/c haired womans neck as many other villagers exited their homes, running towards her with uplifted expressions once they noticed she had returned.

A few men and women apologised to her for failing to keep her secret but y/n explained it was the right thing to do, turning her in for the good of the people. She really did believe that was the right choice, one life for many was something she believed in even if that belief was sad and unfortunate. Although, she would always prefer not having to sacrifice a life for another or for many others.

Deuce stood back with his arms crossed as a small smile lifted his, the past few weeks they'd spent here made him and the crew quite fond of the villagers and they knew they were in good hands if y/n was there to protect them. Plenty of the kids now knew how to read, could understand some basic knowledge and would hopefully pass on that knowledge thanks to Mihar. It was just another step completed for the man in his dream of teaching around the world.

A hand snagged his wrist and Deuce was pulled into a bush with a shriek. He looked up at his captain who placed a finger on his lips to make sure he understood to be silent. Sending his captain a glare but urging him on, Deuce sat up and stared as Ace pulled out something from his pocket and opened his palms to reveal two silver hoops and two small metal rods. Deuce kind of just stared in order to process what his captain was trying to tell him before his palm met his forehead and he released a large sigh of annoyance.

𝑷𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒈𝒂𝒔 𝑫. 𝑨𝒄𝒆 𝑿 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓| And She Never Heard From Him Again ✔️Where stories live. Discover now