1 - Expect The Unexpected

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"Oi, Ace." The black haired boy turned to look at you with a small smile eyes practically shining as he stared at your e/c eyes. The intensity of his love-filled gaze made you a little shy and you looked away even though it was you who initially called for his attention. He let out an amused laugh and raised his right hand to grasp your chin gently. He turned your face so that you were forced to stare back at him before a big grin lit up his lips and he slowly lowered himself to meet your lips.

"Is she awake?"

"Well, looking at how shes peacefully breathing with her eyes closed I can only assume she's sleeping, Luffy."

"Can't we wake her up? I wanna talk to her!"

Y/N recognised the voice, or rather she recognised the strange way of speaking. She could only assume this was the same boy who'd caught her after freeing her, that and he had the same squeaky voice and whine. Y/N wanted to see the boy who reminded her so much of her lover just by his voice and that glint in his eyes.

The small sound of a groan and little shuffling brought the bickering to a halt as Chopper was once again quickly at y/n's side constantly asking her how she felt and if there was any pain in her body. Of course there was, y/n thought it was a foolish question seeing as how when a person is tortured for a year it's not often they will heal in only a day, even with how you tended to heal much faster than others. That probably played a major factor in your survival. Without saying anything you turned your head to stare at the black haired boy next to you. Noticing this, the small reindeer halted in his ramblings and watched silently as his captain and the strange girl stared at one another.

The scar under his left eye and the black hair along with the eyes all fit the description Ace had told you, and just as you opened your mouth to speak out and question his identity a black blob sped past the room and crashed itself onto your chest. It almost sent a striking pain through you but you ignored it. Still, what idiot would willingly crash into--


The sobbing child wrapped his arms tightly around her and almost instantly you felt tears gather in your eyes, tears you hadn't shed in years and you weren't willing to finally shed them now. Still, the sight of your elder brother that you haven't seen in approximately two decades made that a little hard.

"Y-Y/N!" Mononosuke yelled back. It was strange seeing his baby sister all grown up but it was best if he got used to it.

Still in slight shock from seeing your brother after so long you tightened your grip on him and gritted your teeth to stop the tears from falling until a new set of voices joined and you couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Y/N-SAMA!" Opening your eyes without loosening the strong grip surrounding your brother, your jaw almost unhinged itself as you stared at the men and women you've known since birth.

"K-Kinemon!" He nodded seemingly blessed to be remembered by you especially since you were only two and a half years old at the time. You raked your eyes over the rest of them and noticed each and every one of them. Kanjuro, Kawamatsu, Okiku, Raizo. Those were who you saw as of this moment plus one little girl who you'd recognise anywhere.

"Otama!" The little girl who you loved so much rushed towards you and you opened your right arm for her. The two in your arms cried as a large smile fitted itself neatly onto your face.

"All of you...!" They all bowed their heads. "I'm so glad you are alive. I must be dreaming!"

However, you knew this wasn't a dream. Because if it was, Ace would be right beside you with his arms wrapped around all three of you.

A small pathetic chuckle threatened to leave your throat when you realised once again just how smitten you were with he boy. Though you wouldn't stand for anyone's judgement on that since they probably hadn't met Ace. Perhaps if they did they would then understand.

"I can assure you, Y/N-sama you are not dreaming!"

"Oi, Oi! This is great and all but can we eat already?

Of course, Luffy had to ruin the wholesome atmosphere that had been created earning glares from his entire crew. However you were unbothered by it, actually you were thankful he had mentioned food since your stomach thought it was a good time to begin rumbling.

"Whoever you are, I agree with you. A small meal would be good, I don't think I've had more than a glass of water and a slice of bread in the past years."

That made all of them halt, specifically the boy hugging her waist as he realised he could actually feel her ribs. Instantly upon his new discovery Mononosuke pulled back and instead clenched the fabric of the kimono Chopper had placed her in with tears in his eyes. "Y-y/n what happened to you?"

You closed your eyes and curved your mouth into a smile as his response oblivious to the rest of the men in the room who clenched their fists, so many years they had left and now they return to find that the one they serve has been suffering? It was unforgivable to them.

"Please, let's eat. I'm really hungry."

He only nodded.

The laughs around you seemed to fit exactly how you were feeling at the moment. Happy, relieved, overjoyed all in one. Satisfied was in there as well, and surprisingly you weren't all that shocked by the the old feeling flowing through your veins once more.

Now, wanting to relax and process everything you sat away from everyone else with a glass bottle of water in your hands. The few moments of silence you had were interrupted as a certain raven-haired captain who seemed to only stare at you while eating a piece of meat. He let out contemplating hums as his face contorted from several expressions before he seemed to decide a simple tight-lipped stoic expression was best at the moment.

"Hey, did you know Ace?"

You were a little confused at his use of past-tense but only stared at him stoically before answering. "Yeah, we were... Lovers."

The boys eyes widened before he looked away with clenched teeth. You waited patiently for him to get over whatever it was he needed to as a bad feeling stirred in your stomach. Once he turned back around Luffys face was as serious as can be and he firmly spoke his next words.

"Ace is dead."

The glass bottle in your hand dropping to the ground and breaking seemed to be the only thing audible as everything seemed to quiet down.


𝑷𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒈𝒂𝒔 𝑫. 𝑨𝒄𝒆 𝑿 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓| And She Never Heard From Him Again ✔️Where stories live. Discover now