¹⁵you knew right?

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october, twenty-ninth.

TRENT, AS HE WALKED TOWARDS THE TABLE where the guys were already seated, felt his teammates' heavy stares at him and conversations evaporate as quickly as he reached them. he frowned but said nothing and simply set his plate down next to one of andy. the scottish man offered him a small, comforting smile before putting his hand on his shoulder and asking, "you alright mate?"

trent frowned more fiercely but decided to carry on as if nothing had happened because he didn't really see what else he could do, "er, yeah, yeah, you?"

"good," he simply answered, still with that same comforting smile on his lips that made trent even more confused.

the right-back gave him a small smile in return before pushing his fork vigorously into his pasta, so hungry from the intensive training session this morning. however, as he continued to eat, he realised that the discussions around him were not resuming and that all his teammates still had that heavy look on him.

he then raised his head, the look on his face conveying the feeling of total ignorance of what was happening right under his nose. his eyes met virgil's who almost looked worried. the more his gaze went around the table, the more he assimilated that everyone was watching him with the same serious look. he then put his fork down slowly and cleared his throat before wiping his mouth with his napkin.

the young man gave one last confused look around him, "uh... is there a problem?" he asked hesitantly. maybe he had said or done something during the training that the others hadn't liked without him meaning to, and if that was the case, he was sorry.

"are you really alright?" asked once again robbo who seemed worried for his friend, "you know we didn't want to talk to you about it during training because we had to focus but you can talk to us if you need to," he finally added, leaving trent even more confused than one minute ago.

"what are you sayin—"

"we know you're not that open about that but that must be a weird situation for you," said alex as he cut off the young man.

everyone had their say and trent couldn't get a word in edgewise as he watched the rocketing conversations around him wide-eyed, wondering what was going on. when he got fed up and felt it was getting too much, he raised his voice and asked in a more angry tone, "what the fuck are y'all talking about?"

the previous noise was soon replaced by a long silence after the young man's question.

"well... of tosca," robbo replied in a small voice as if it was obvious.

trent blinked a few times, wondering if this was a bad joke and that a camera was hidden somewhere and that none of this conversation was real. "tosca and i have been over for a month, why you're telling me about it now?!" said the young man animatedly, not understanding what his teammates were getting at.

his words had the effect of a bombshell. around the table, there were wide-eyed glances, and silent words, wondering if there was any possibility that trent didn't know about the young woman's trip to her homeland.

"you-you know, right?" andy asked trent fearfully, but when he looked at him with a confused look on his face, robbo quickly realized that no, he didn't seem to know at all.

virgil murmured a little "oh shit", which trent was still able to hear, and this did not reassure him at all.

"know about what?" trent looked at each of his teammates one by one, searching for an answer in their eyes.

"tosca, she left for italy, yesterday. you knew right?" robbo chuckled nervously, hoping that trent was just joking and that he was aware of it.

trent spread his mouth for words to come out, but nothing came. he stood dumbfounded for a few seconds, not expecting this answer in any way. there was dead silence in the room when the whole team realised that he had just received the news in the face. trent did not move, he remained frozen as if glued to his chair for a few moments, trying to regain his senses.

"i-no, i didn't know at all," he finally said, still stunned by what he had just learned. "did you all know?" he asked, addressing everyone at the table.

the silence that followed his request was enough of an answer for the young man, who soon realised that he was the only one who had no idea of the italian's girl sudden departure. trent nodded slowly as he let out a small "okay" trying to process all the information his brain had just received.

the footballer finished his meal without a word and surely contaminated the rest of the team as they didn't seem to be in the mood to talk either. he didn't even say goodbye to the guys, far too disturbed to even think about it. he quickly gathered his belongings and walked out into the training center car park, breathing a sigh of relief as the fresh liverpool air hit his face. the air inside was stifling.

once in his seat, he let out a deep sigh and remained fazed for a few moments, still flustered by what he had just learned, but that confusion was quickly replaced by anger as he started to drive. he was mad at the young woman for not telling him. okay, they weren't talking anymore, but still, trent would have liked to know that she was leaving — especially when everyone else seemed to be.

he didn't understand the young woman's attitude, but he understood even less why he was so bothered that she had left. whether she was in liverpool or italy, there was no longer any kind of relationship between them, so he shouldn't have been so disturbed, and yet.

and as thousands of thoughts raced through his head, he decided to shut them all down to grab his phone before searching for tosca's contact and pressing on her name, waiting impatiently for her to pick up. he had to talk to her, it was necessary.

unbearable, trent alexander-arnoldWhere stories live. Discover now