sick on anniversary

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y/n's pov
it was 4AM and i had been woken up by my stomach being in so much pain. i scoffed and rolled my eyes. quickly getting out of bed and throwing a hoodie on over my sports bra, i ran out of my bedroom due to me about to throw up my entire dinner and anything i had eaten yesterday. my head was swirling and i felt lightheaded.

walking back to my bedroom, i almost passed out a few times, but luckily, i didn't let it happen. i laid back down in my bed and snuggled under all the covers. i felt my forehead and it felt super hot. i was cold and felt fragile.

with this much pain, i won't be able to go to school today. it'll ruin my perfect attendance, but i needed to stay home. i was in so much pain.

lovey<3vinnie i dont thinki can go on our datetonight

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vinnie i dont think
i can go on our date
im in a lot of pain
and i have a really high
fever. im so sorry:(

mi amor<3
dont be sorry love.
mi amor<3
i'll figure something
out. i love u<3

ok i love u too<3
Read {4:27AM}
i really do feel bad. we probably aren't gonna be able to hang out tonight and i feel really bad. i was really looking forward to seeing vinnie and dressing up. i hate this so much.

i eventually decided to try and fall asleep, but i had been trying for 25 minutes and i couldn't go back to bed. i usually can't sleep without vinnie, i guess i was just lucky last night.

as i was about to drift off, i heard a light knock on my window. i jumped out of my sleep and placed my hand in the middle of my chest. jesus christ. i waved to let him know he could come in.

he opened the window gently to make sure not to wake my parents. my parents loved him, but my dad wouldn't be so happy at the idea of him sneaking into my room at four in the morning. he closed the window and tiptoed towards my bed.

i laid quietly under the covers and waited for vinnie to tell me happy anniversary and then leave because he didn't want to get sick.

he knelt down and i heard his knees cracking. he frowned as he looked into my eyes, his eyes filled with worry. he felt my forehead with the back of his hand and quickly took it back.

"happy anniversary, lovey." he smiled lightly as i smiled back with a half smile.

"happy anniversary, baby." i responded back, my voice raspy and tired.

"i'm so sorry that i messed everything up." i frowned at vinnie as he frowned back.

"no, no. you didn't mess anything up, my love. we can just hang out at your place!" he whispered and smiled. he tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear. he seemed so sweet right now, but i wanted him to go to school.

"vinnie, no. go to school. don't mess up your attendance like i did." i smiled back. i seriously didn't want to be the reason he wasn't going. i felt so bad to do that to him.

"yes, y/n. i'm staying here with you until you get better. i will stay with you as long as i need to, mi amor." he kissed my cheek. no, now he was gonna get sick. shit, that'll be my fault too.

"vinnie, now you're going to get sick. why'd you do that?" i asked in concern.

"because i love you. you're not gonna suffer through this alone." he smiled and got up. he laid directly behind me to the point where my back was touching his chest. i scooted over a little bit.

"aye, what'd you do that for?" he laughed. i wanted to laugh but it would put me through even more pain than i was already in, so i just smiled.

"i'm not getting you sick, baby. stay over there and i'll stay over here." i demanded but he didn't listen. he came back closer to me. i rolled my eyes and just let him stay there.

he wrapped his arm around my waist loosely, so i didn't feel suffocated, but i wanted him to hold me tighter. it didn't feel right.

vinnie looked down and seen the loads of blankets on top of my body and frowned.

"your fever's only going to get higher if you have all those blankets on you. you're gonna have to take them off." he tried to pull the blankets off but i didn't let him take them off. i was cold.

"vinnie, i'm freezing." i turned around and told him.

"love, i'm sorry, but you won't get any better." he ran his hand through my hair.

"fine." i ripped the blankets off and threw them on the floor angrily. it was so cold. i turned around and hugged vinnie tightly to the point where he could feel my warm skin against his. he laughed.

"it's cold!" i yelled making vinnie laugh again. i rolled my eyes and wanted to turn back around to piss him off, but i was so cold.

"you're lucky it's cold in here." i scoffed making vinnie laugh again.

"what's so funny?" i pulled my face away from his neck and furrowed my brows.

"nothing, love. get some rest." he kissed my forehead and i put my face back in his neck to hide the fact that i was blushing. even after a year of us dating, i still blush at the things he does.

i start to drift off and i hear vinnie say "goodnight, pretty girl," in my ear and kissing my head gently.
Word Count: 980

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