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vinnie has been really distant the past few weeks. it's been almost two weeks since we've called. i feel like he's been with his girl best friend. she's a literal psycho path who thinks everything revolves around her. she's a trumpie also and a racist.

i decided to visit vinnie while his mom and dad were at work. of course, reggie, my best friend, was there since he had nothing else to do.

i grabbed my keys and slipped my air force 1's on and tied them neatly. i walked to my back door and let my dog in and ran to my car. i then started speeding to vinnie's.

when i got there i seen vinnie's dog, poncho, sitting on the front porch outside of his house. i ran up to poncho and pet him on the head and opened the door. placing my purse on the ground next to the door, i heard something coming from upstairs. i then felt a pit in my stomach and knew something bad was happening.

i sped upstairs to vinnie's bedroom clenching my fists and gritting my teeth. as soon as i quietly opened the door, i seen vinnie on top of another girl with no shirt and boxers on. i then grabbed one of his shoes by his dresser and threw it directly at his head. "what the fuck," he said then looking at me with a sad look.

"i fucking knew it. you were fucking this bitch? after everything? after all the times you comforted me. WITH A FUCKING RACIST? you know what, fuck you," i bursted into tears speeding downstairs. "Y/N, wait," vinnie said slipping sweats on and running after me, leaving the girl lying there.

"Y/N, i swear i didn't mean—" he tried to make me forgive him. "vinnie, fuck off. you could've just told me that you were losing feelings, but no, you cheated," i wiped my tears with the back of my hand. "i promise, Y/N." "i don't care. you clearly didn't mean all those things that you said," i ran to reggie's room. "oh, so you're running to my brother now. fuck you," he said walking back upstairs.

"reggie," i cried. "what's wrong, Y/N? i heard yelling out there," he said putting his phone down and patting on his bed next to him. i walked over to him and put my head on his shoulder. "he's cheating with that girl," i cried again. "oh my god, how did you find out?"

"well, he was starting to become really distant, so i decided to come over and when i walked in i heard noises from upstairs and when i walked in his room, he was fucking her. i threw a shoe at him though, so we're good," we laughed. "as you should. but, wanna sleepover?" "uh, yeah, sure," i smiled. "be right back," i walked out of his room to grab a snack from the kitchen. i then seen her. his best friend.

"uhm, hello?" she said laughing. "can't believe vinnie was with you.. you're really ugly honestly," she said drinking her water. "shut the fuck up, asshole. you're literally racist," i then laughed. "you were probably fucking reggie," she continued to go on and on. "please shut up," i said grabbing a granola bar out of the cupboard. "yeah, no," she said. i ran over to her and swung my fist at her. i pushed her off the stool and tackled her.

vinnie and reggie came running out of their rooms. reggie grabbed me off her and vinnie left her laying there, "you're not gonna pick your new girlfriend up, vincent?" reggie let out a quiet laugh. "Y/N, i don't even like her she forced me to do that—" vinnie said before the girl cut him off. "i'll give you proof of vinnie saying yes to having sex with me," the girl said smiling. she grabbed her phone and showed me a video in her camera roll of him literally saying yes.


Love you guys❤️

𝘝𝘐𝘕𝘕𝘐𝘌 𝘐𝘔𝘈𝘎𝘐𝘕𝘌𝘚Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ